
how to add a friend on facebook to the restricted list

how to add a friend on facebook to the restricted list

how to add a friend on facebook to the restricted list

Utilizing Facebook’s Restricted List is an effective way to control what information or posts certain people are able to view. It allows individuals to take a more private approach with their information without needing to resort to unfriending, blocking, or adjusting privacy settings on a post-by-post basis. This blog post will provide an overview of the Restricted List feature on Facebook, as well as explain why and how someone might use this feature.

Overview of Facebook Restricted List and what it means

Facebook’s Restricted List is a feature that allows a user to control what content certain people are able to see on their profile. When someone is added to the Restricted List, they remain a friend but are unable to view any posts or interactions that are not set to “public”. Posts on the Restricted List are only able to be seen by the individual posting and their tagged friends. This feature provides an easy and less intrusive way to limit what certain individuals can see on a user’s Facebook profile.

Why you may want to add someone to your Restricted List

There are several reasons why an individual might want to add someone to their Restricted List. Some common reasons include:

  • Personal Space: Individuals might want to limit what certain friends or acquaintances see on their Facebook profile for personal reasons. Perhaps they want to share something personal, or limit access to specific posts or photos that they don’t want certain individuals to see.

  • Work Relationships: In some cases, individuals might want to keep a professional relationship with a coworker, but limit their visibility to certain aspects of their personal life. Adding them to the Restricted List is an effective way to manage the type of content they view on Facebook.

  • Limiting Contact: In some instances, an individual may want to limit their contact with someone but not completely remove them as a friend. The Restricted List allows individuals to remain friends, but limits their visibility to certain posts and content.

How to add someone to your Restricted List on Facebook

Adding someone to the Restricted List on Facebook is quick and easy. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Go to the individual’s Facebook profile

  2. Click on the “Friends” button located under their profile picture

  3. Select “Edit Friend List” from the dropdown menu

  4. Select “Restricted” from the list of options

  5. Click “Done” to save changes.

It is important to note that adding someone to the Restricted List does not notify the individual in any way. The individual being added to the Restricted List is still considered a friend on Facebook and is not aware that they have been added to the list. Additionally, while individuals on the Restricted List cannot view non-public content, they can still view content that is set to “public”.

Overall, the Restricted List on Facebook offers a simple and convenient way to control what specific individuals can see on a user’s Facebook profile. By following the steps listed here, individuals can easily add someone to their Restricted List and limit their visibility to specific content.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Go to the person’s Facebook profile

To add someone to your Restricted list on Facebook, the first thing to do is to go to that person’s Facebook profile. You can do this by searching for their name in the search bar at the top of the Facebook homepage or clicking on their name if you see them in your news feed.

Step 2: Click on Friends below their profile picture

Once you are on their Facebook profile, you should see a button located just below their profile picture that says “Friends”. Click on this button to see a drop-down menu of options.

Step 3: Select Edit Friend List

From the drop-down menu, select the option that says “Edit Friend List”. This will take you to a page where you can manage your various friend lists on Facebook.

Step 4: Click on Restricted

On the Edit Friend List page, you should see a list of your current friend lists. Look for the list called “Restricted” and click on it to select it.

Step 5: Click Done

Once you have selected “Restricted”, simply click on the “Done” button at the bottom of the page to add that person to your Restricted list on Facebook.

By adding someone to your Restricted list on Facebook, you are limiting the amount of information they can see about you and the amount of information you see from them. This can be particularly useful if you have connections on Facebook that you do not want to share certain information with, such as your boss or professional contacts. Keep in mind, however, that this will not completely prevent them from seeing your public information or any posts that you tag them in.

Overall, adding someone to your Restricted list on Facebook is a quick and easy process. Simply follow the steps outlined above to manage your friend lists on Facebook and keep your online connections organized and under control.

Alternative Method

Another way to access your Restricted list on Facebook is through the Friends tab in the left menu on your Facebook homepage. This method can be quicker and more direct than going through a person’s profile directly.

Accessing the Restricted List through the Friends tab in the left menu

To access the Restricted list through the Friends tab, simply follow these steps:

1. Log into your Facebook account on a computer.

2. Look for the Friends tab in the left menu on your Facebook homepage.

3. Click on the Friends tab to open the drop-down menu of options.

4. Look for the list called “Restricted” and click on it to select it.

Once you have selected the “Restricted” list, you will be taken to a page that displays all the people who are currently on your Restricted list. From here, you can click on “Manage List” to add or remove people from the list, or click on a specific person to see which list(s) they are currently on.

Steps to follow to add someone to the Restricted List using this method

To add someone to your Restricted list through the Friends tab, simply follow these steps:

1. Log into your Facebook account on a computer.

2. Click on the person’s name to go to their profile.

3. Click on the “Friends” button located just below their profile picture.

4. From the drop-down menu, select the option that says “Add to another list”.

5. Scroll down and select the “Restricted” list from the options provided.

Once you have added someone to your Restricted list using this method, they will not be able to see any posts or information that you have not explicitly shared with them. However, it’s important to note that they will still be able to see any public information that you have posted, as well as any posts that you specifically tag them in.

Therefore, adding someone to your Restricted list on Facebook can be a useful tool for managing your online connections, especially if you have professional contacts or other connections that you don’t want to share all your personal information with. Whether you choose to access your Restricted list through the person’s profile or through the Friends tab on your homepage, the process is quick and simple, and can help you keep your online privacy under control.

What Happens When You Add Someone to Your Restricted List?

When you add someone to your Restricted list on Facebook, you are limiting their access to your posts and information. However, it is important to note that they will still be able to see the posts you tag them in and any public information you have shared on Facebook.

Impact of adding someone to your Restricted List on their access to your posts

By adding someone to your Restricted list, you are essentially blocking them from seeing the majority of your Facebook posts. They will only be able to see the information you have chosen to make public, such as your profile picture, cover photo, and any information that you have shared publicly on your profile page.

This means that any posts you share with your Facebook friends will not appear on their newsfeed, and they will not receive any notifications about your activity on Facebook. However, they will still be able to see any posts that you have tagged them in or any comments you have left on mutual friends’ posts.

In addition, adding someone to your Restricted list also affects the visibility of your previous posts. If you have previously shared a post with your Friends list, and you later add someone to your Restricted list, that person will not be able to see that post in their newsfeed or on your profile page.

Whether they will know they have been added to your Restricted List

One of the benefits of the Restricted list is that your friends will not know that they have been added to it. Facebook does not notify users when they are added to a Restricted list, which means that your friends will not receive any kind of notification or message letting them know that they have been blocked from seeing your posts.

Furthermore, your friends will still be able to interact with your posts in the same way they always have. They can still like, comment, and share your posts, even if they cannot see the majority of your activity on Facebook.

If you later decide to remove someone from your Restricted list, they will not receive any notification about this either. The process is entirely private, and your friends will not know that they had been previously restricted unless you tell them.

Therefore, adding someone to your Restricted list on Facebook is a great way to limit their access to your posts and information without completely unfriending them. It’s a helpful tool to use if you have certain connections on Facebook that you do not want to share everything with. By following the steps outlined in the Step-by-Step guide, you can easily manage your friend lists on Facebook and keep your online connections organized and under control.

What Happens When You Add Someone to Your Restricted List?

Adding someone to your Restricted list on Facebook is a way to limit their access to your posts and information without completely unfriending them. This tool is particularly helpful if you have connections on Facebook that you do not want to share everything with, such as your boss or colleagues. Here’s what happens when you add someone to your Restricted list:

Impact of adding someone to your Restricted List on their access to your posts

When you add someone to your Restricted list on Facebook, you are essentially blocking them from seeing the majority of your Facebook posts. They will only be able to see the information you have chosen to make public, such as your profile picture, cover photo, and any information that you have shared publicly on your profile page. In addition, any posts you share with your Facebook friends will not appear on their newsfeed, and they will not receive any notifications about your activity on Facebook. However, they will still be able to see any posts that you have tagged them in or any comments you have left on mutual friends’ posts.

Whether they will know they have been added to your Restricted List

Facebook does not notify users when they are added to a Restricted list. Therefore, your friends will not receive any kind of notification or message letting them know that they have been blocked from seeing your posts. Furthermore, your friends will still be able to interact with your posts in the same way they always have. They can still like, comment, and share your posts, even if they cannot see the majority of your activity on Facebook.

Removing Someone from Your Restricted List

If you ever decide to remove someone from your Restricted list, the process is quite simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to remove someone from your Restricted list.

Step-by-step guide on removing someone from your Restricted List

1. Log into Facebook on a computer.

2. From your News Feed, click “Friends” in the left menu.

3. If you don’t see it, click “See More”.

4. Click “Custom Lists”, then click “Restricted”.

5. To remove someone from the list, click “Manage List” and then click “Edit List”.

6. Select the person you want to remove from the list.

7. Click “Finish”.

After following these steps, the person will be removed from your Restricted list, and they will be able to see your posts and information once again. However, they will not receive any notification about this change. The process is entirely private, and your friends will not know that they had been previously restricted unless you tell them.

Therefore, adding someone to your Restricted list on Facebook is a great way to limit their access to your posts and information without completely unfriending them. The process is entirely private and straightforward, and you can manage your friend lists easily on Facebook. By following these guidelines, you can keep your online connections organized and under control.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many people can I add to my Restricted List?

You can add as many people as you want to your Restricted list on Facebook. There is no limit to the number of people you can restrict from seeing your posts and information. However, you should keep in mind that adding too many people to your Restricted list may cause some confusion and could potentially create a negative impact on your online connections.

It is important to consider your relationship with each person before restricting their access to your Facebook profile. If you have a lot of friends on Facebook that you do not want to share everything with, it might be more effective to create a separate Friends list instead of adding everyone to your Restricted list.

Will someone be notified if I add them to my Restricted List?

No, your friends will not be notified when you add them to your Restricted list on Facebook. Facebook does not send notifications to users when they are added or removed from a Restricted list.

This means that your friends will not know that they have been restricted from seeing your posts and information. They will still be able to interact with your public posts and any posts that you tag them in, but they will not see any of your other activity on Facebook.

Can I still see posts from someone on my Restricted List?

Yes, you can still see posts from people on your Restricted list on Facebook. Adding someone to your Restricted list only limits their access to your posts and information. It does not affect your ability to see their posts or interact with them on Facebook.

You can still view their profile, see their posts in your newsfeed, and communicate with them through private messages and comments. The only difference is that they will not see the majority of your activity on Facebook, such as posts you share with your Friends list and any other private information you have not chosen to share publicly.

Overall, adding someone to your Restricted list on Facebook is a useful way to manage your online connections and keep your private information more secure. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add and remove people from your Restricted list and control who sees your activity on Facebook.

Final Thoughts

Using the Facebook Restricted List can be a helpful tool for managing your online connections and maintaining privacy. By restricting certain friends from seeing your posts and information, you can ensure that only the people you trust with that information have access to it.

Benefits of using Facebook Restricted List

One major benefit of using the Restricted List is that you can limit the posts that certain people see without unfriending them. This is useful for maintaining a connection with someone you don’t want to completely cut ties with, but also don’t want to share everything with.

Another benefit is that you can keep your personal information more secure. By restricting certain people from seeing your activity on Facebook, you can avoid sharing personal information with people you may not want to have access to it.

Tips on how to use it effectively

When adding people to your Restricted List, it’s important to consider your relationship with them and how much information you want to share. It’s also helpful to remember that you can always remove someone from the list at any time if you change your mind.

It’s also a good idea to create separate Friends lists for people you do want to share posts and information with. This allows you to have more control over who sees what on your Facebook profile.

Overall, using the Facebook Restricted List can be a useful tool for managing your online presence and maintaining privacy. With a few clicks, you can easily add and remove people from your list and control who sees your activity on Facebook.


Summary of what the article covered

In this article, we discussed the process of adding or removing people from your Restricted list on Facebook. We provided step-by-step instructions on how to do this and also answered some common questions about the Restricted list. We discussed how many people can be added to the list, whether people will be notified if they are added to the Restricted list, and whether you can still see posts from people on your Restricted list.

Overall, we found that the Restricted list is a useful feature on Facebook that allows you to have more control over who can see your posts and information. It is a helpful tool for managing your online connections and maintaining your privacy on the platform.

Final thoughts and recommendations

If you are someone who values their privacy on Facebook, we recommend that you take advantage of the Restricted list feature. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add or remove people from your list and control who sees your activity on Facebook. Just remember to consider your relationship with each person before adding them to your list, and to keep in mind that adding too many people may cause some confusion.

Overall, we hope that this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process of using the Restricted list on Facebook. If you have any other questions or concerns about Facebook’s privacy settings, we recommend checking out their Help Center for more information.


Sources consulted for the article.

The information provided in this article was gathered from the Facebook Help Center. The step-by-step instructions on how to add or remove people from the Restricted list were taken directly from the Facebook Help Center and were accurate at the time of writing.

Additionally, we consulted various online resources and forums to gain insight into the use of the Restricted list on Facebook. We read through several user experiences and reviews to provide a comprehensive overview of the feature.

It is important to note that Facebook’s features and settings are subject to change at any time, and the information provided in this article may become outdated in the future. We recommend staying up-to-date with the latest developments on the platform by checking the Facebook Help Center regularly.

Overall, we feel confident in the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this article and hope that it has been helpful to readers looking to utilize the Restricted list on Facebook.

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