
How to avoid 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' spoilers

How to avoid 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' spoilers

Everything goes so fast on the internet that spoilers fly everywhere even before a premiere. A comment on Twitter, an image on Instagram, a meme on Reddit … And if we talk about cinema, even the production companies themselves bombard us with teasers, filming images, posters, previews of scenes, theories from the fans… It's difficult to watch a movie without knowing anything beforehand. And that is so with any major release. This is the case of Spider-Man: No Way Home, the umpteenth story of Marvel's arachnid superhero taken to the cinema, which promises action in abundance and stellar appearances of heart attack. But, is it possible to avoid spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home?

If you don't want any surprises from this or other movies or series to be unraveled, you have several solutions at your fingertips. You do not have to disconnect from the internet for days or stop entering your favorite social networks.

If you are a regular on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you can configure word and topic blocks . This way you can avoid spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home or another hit title before watching it.

How to avoid spoilers for 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' on Instagram

Let's start with Instagram, one of the social networks where spoilers are most abundant. The good news is that this platform has options to avoid spoilers and safeguard you from possible spoilers such as surprise appearances or other controversial scenes that may occur in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

If you go to Instagram and enter your profile, you can access Settings . Once inside, we access Privacy . There you will find Hidden words or Filtered words . We are interested in the section Personalized words and phrases , so we will activate Hide comments within that section and enter Manage list .

In that list you can add words, phrases, emojis, tags … Whatever you want. In the present case, try the title of the film, Spider-Man: No Way Home, with the character, Spider-Man, and from there, whatever you want. Actors, characters, etc.

This Instagram filter to avoid spoilers is not infallible but it will be very useful. In any case, try to be careful when accessing this social network.

Avoid spoilers for 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' on Facebook

Now it's Facebook, a social network where spoilers also proliferate. Messages, images, videos, tags… However, there is no official way to block sensitive content before you see it. If you are not careful, you will eat several spoilers looking at your Facebook wall. Let's fix it.

If you enter Facebook from your computer, Social Fixer will help you block, silence or hide everything you want. For example, avoid spoilers like the ones that abound everywhere about Spider-Man: No Way Home. It is an extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge and others. It also has a User Script to install it through apps like Greasemonkey .

Social Fixer blocks advertising of blocked topics, the most recent publications, news about games, apps and authors, notifications from your friends, etc. Using filters, you can avoid spoilers by indicating the words and phrases to hide.

If you are an Android user, an app that you will love to avoid spoilers is Spoilers Blocker . Their job is to block specific words and topics on social media. Besides Facebook, it also works with Twitter or Instagram. You can choose the apps to protect and the themes to block.

Avoid spoilers on YouTube

When it comes to a movie, there are countless videos on YouTube about Spider-Man: No Way Home. From simple previews and official trailers to fan theories, edited images of previous titles and all sorts of creations that may or may not spoil the movie for you.

How to avoid spoilers on YouTube? In principle, you should not watch videos of Spider-Man: No Way Home if you have not previously seen them. YouTube recommends content according to what you have seen before. But, just in case, let's avoid certain topics .

If you come across a video of Spider-Man: No Way Home and do not want to see related videos to avoid spoilers, you can do so by selecting the option I am not interested that you will find in the menu More of that video or playlist. Also check your list of favorite or liked videos. If there is any from Spider-Man: No Way Home, surely you will come across more content and a possible spoiler.

Avoid spoilers from 'Spider-Man: No Way Home 'on Twitter

Twitter also takes the prize for the social network promoting spoilers. It is unavoidable. Sharing spoilers is very juicy, and if you access your Twitter timeline, sooner or later you will see comments, images or videos related to Spider-Man: No Way Home. But avoiding spoilers on Twitter is relatively easy. The system is similar to Instagram.

From Twitter, in its application or web version, we enter Notifications> Settings> Filters . We will go straight to Silenced words . There we will add words, phrases, tags, users, emojis … Anything that gives rise to a spoiler for Spider-Man: No Way Home. We save and go.

As I mentioned in the Instagram section. These filters are very useful but not foolproof. This means that it is possible, but not likely, that a Spider-Man spoiler will appear. Hence you should also have some caution on your part.

Avoid spoilers while browsing the internet

We have silenced spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. But you may browse other pages and websites. And, even if you don't want it, at some point a spoiler will fall on you. Let's avoid it with a browser extension.

One of them is Spoiler Block , available for Google Chrome and derivatives, such as Brave, Opera, Edge, Vivaldi, etc. Its function is to block words and phrases by crossing them out with black . Its advantage is that it works on any web page you open, including the aforementioned social networks.

Another is BlockSite . It serves many things, such as blocking links, limiting internet usage time, blocking adult content, etc. In what interests us, you can configure topics to block both in the URL of a website and in its content.

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