
how to make a buzz wire game using arduino

how to make a buzz wire game using arduino

how to make a buzz wire game using arduino

This project involves creating a buzz wire game using an Arduino UNO board and an LED timer. The game requires the user to navigate a wire through a maze without touching the walls and before the LED timer turns off. This Instructables project provides step-by-step instructions on how to create the game and handle, connect the necessary wires, and power on the Arduino board.

Overview of Buzz Wire game and Arduino

The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board that allows for the creation of interactive objects and projects. It can be programmed using the Arduino software and various sensors, actuators, and other electronic components can be connected to it. The buzz wire game is a classic game that tests one’s hand-eye coordination and steady hand. It involves navigating a loop of wire through a maze without touching the walls. The LED timer provides an extra challenge by limiting the amount of time the player has to complete the game.

Materials needed for the project

To create the buzz wire game with LED timer, the following materials are needed:

– Arduino UNO board

– LED (any color)

– 330-ohm resistor

– Breadboard

– Wires (jumper wires, alligator clip jumper wire with a female head)

– Aluminum wire (length depends on the desired size of the maze)

– Cardboard box (to use as a base)

In addition to these materials, a computer and USB cord will be needed to power on the Arduino board. Wire cutters and pliers may also be helpful for cutting and manipulating the aluminum wire and jumper wires.

Planning and Design

Designing the circuit and layout of the game

To build a buzz wire game with LED timer for Arduino UNO, one must first design the circuit layout of the game. The design must be neat and easy to understand. Start by connecting a red jumper wire between the positive rail and the 5V port, then connect a black jumper wire between the negative rail and the ground port. This will provide power to the circuit from the USB cord that is connected to the computer.

Next, the handle for the game must be prepared. Begin by cutting a section of aluminum wire using wire cutters. The size of the wire should depend on how complex the maze will be and the size of the base. To make the wire longer, use a male to male jumper wire and an alligator clip jumper wire with a female head. This will allow the wire to easily slide through the maze without snagging.

Creating a prototype before final assembly

Before final assembly, it is important to create a prototype to test the circuit and ensure that everything is working as expected. Start by creating a simple maze using cardboard and tape. Attach the aluminum wire to the base using hot glue or tape.

Once the prototype is in place, test the circuit with the Arduino UNO. Turn on the power source to the circuit, and the LED timer should light up. Try guiding the handle through the maze, and if there is a proper connection, the LED will turn off, and the timer will stop. However, if the handle comes in contact with the wire, the LED will remain lit, and the timer will continue to run.

After successful testing, the final assembly can begin. Carefully attach the maze to the base using hot glue or screws. Attach the circuit board to the base using double-sided tape or screws. Once everything is secure, turn on the power source, and the buzz wire game is ready to be played.

Therefore, planning and design are crucial steps in building a buzz wire game with LED timer for Arduino UNO. It is important to ensure that the circuit is laid out properly and to create a prototype to test the circuit before final assembly. By following these steps, anyone can build their own buzz wire game and challenge their steady hand against the LED timer.

Wiring and Programming

Connecting the wires to the Arduino board

Once the planning and design of the buzz wire game with LED timer is completed, the next step is to connect the wires to the Arduino board. This process, if not done correctly, can prevent the game from functioning properly.

To connect the game to the Arduino board, first, use an alligator clip jumper wire with a male header to connect the positive lead of the buzzer to the game. This connection must be secure and can be reinforced with electrical tape if needed. Then, connect the negative and positive rails of the breadboard to the ground and 5V ports respectively. Finally, connect the USB cord from the Arduino board to the computer.

Ensuring that the connections are secure and in the correct positions is essential. Carelessness or mistakes during the wiring process can damage the circuit board or prevent the game from working, thereby wasting time and resources.

Writing the code to control the game

Once the wiring is fully connected, the code to control the game must be written. The code controls the LED timer and the buzzer within the game. To write the code, it is essential to have knowledge of programming languages such as C++ or python. However, a beginner can acquire programming skills with a little research and practice.

To create the buzz wire game’s code, one must first decide on the parameters, such as how long the LED timer will be and how difficult the game will be to play. Then using Arduino’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the code can be written. The syntax of the code will appear on the screen, and after it is written, the code needs to be saved.

The next step in the process is to upload the code to the Arduino board. To do this, use the Upload button in the IDE. Check that all wiring connections are correct before uploading the code, as a wrong connection could damage the code or the circuit board.

When the code is successfully uploaded, disconnect the Arduino board from the computer and power on the game by connecting it to a power source. The LED timer will light up, and the buzzer will sound. If the connection is as specified, when the handle comes in contact with the wire, the LED light will turn off, and the timer will stop.

Therefore, connecting the wires to the Arduino board and writing the code is easy if the planning and design are completed efficiently. Connecting the wires and writing the code must be done carefully, ensuring that the connections are correct. By practicing using Arduino’s IDE, one can effectively control the game’s LED timer and buzzer to maximize the enjoyment of playing the buzz wire game with LED timer for Arduino UNO.

Building the Frame

Assembling the wood or plastic frame for the game

Building the frame is an essential step in creating a buzz wire game with LED timer for Arduino UNO. The frame acts as the base for the maze, and the entire circuit board is mounted on it. The frame can be constructed from wood or plastic, depending on personal preference.

To begin building the frame, start by measuring and cutting the base to the desired size. Once the base is cut and sanded, cut two vertical side panels and two horizontal panels using a saw. After cutting, drill a pilot hole into the ends of each piece.

Next, assemble the frame using screws to attach the vertical and horizontal panels to the base. The vertical panels should be attached flush against the base, while the horizontal panels should be attached to the top of the vertical panels. Make sure to use clamps to keep everything in place while screwing them together.

Cutting and drilling the necessary pieces

After assembling the frame, it is time to cut and drill the necessary pieces for the maze. Using a saw, cut a piece of cardboard to fit the size of the base. This piece will act as the bottom of the game and will fit within the frame.

Using a pencil, sketch the design of the maze onto the cardboard. Make sure that the maze is not too complex, for it will be challenging enough to guide the handle through. Once the maze is sketched, use a drill to create holes at each intersection of the maze.

Using a hot glue gun, place the aluminum wire into the holes, following the maze path. Make sure that the wire is properly secured within the cardboard and that it is straight and not kinked. After the maze is complete, carefully place it inside the frame.

Therefore, building the frame is essential for creating a buzz wire game with LED timer for Arduino UNO. The frame serves as the base for the maze, and the circuit board is mounted to it. To build the frame, start by measuring and cutting the base and then cutting and assembling the vertical and horizontal panels. After that, cut and drill the necessary pieces for the maze. By following these steps, anyone can build their own buzz wire game and have fun challenging their steady hand.

Attaching the Wire

After the maze is properly secured in the frame, it is time to attach the wire. The wire will serve as the buzz wire that the user will use to guide the handle from one end of the maze to the other. The wire must be attached securely and be taut and straight for optimal gameplay.

Securing the wire to the frame

To attach the wire, use wire cutters to cut a section of aluminum wire. The length of the wire will depend on how complex the maze is and how big of a section is cut. Carefully place one end of the wire into the starting point of the maze and hot glue it into place. Make sure that the wire is properly secured to the cardboard and flush against the frame.

Making sure it is taut and properly aligned

Next, make sure that the wire is taut and properly aligned throughout the entire maze. Use pliers to pull the wire tight, ensuring that there is no slack. Check that the wire is aligned with the maze and not crooked or bent.

Once the wire is attached and secured, test the buzz wire game to make sure everything is working properly. Connect the red jumper wire to the positive rail and the 5V port of the Arduino UNO. Then, connect the black jumper wire to the negative rail and the ground port of the Arduino UNO. Power on the Arduino by connecting the USB cord from the Arduino to the computer.

Therefore, building a buzz wire game with LED timer for Arduino UNO involves creating a frame for the maze and attaching the wire. It is important to make sure that the frame is properly assembled and that the maze is not too complex. The wire must be attached securely and be taut and straight for optimal gameplay. By following these steps, anyone can build their own buzz wire game and challenge their steady hand against the LED timer.

Adding the LED Timer

Connecting the LED display to the circuit

After constructing the frame and the maze, it is time to move on to adding the LED timer to the buzz wire game for Arduino UNO. The LED timer is a crucial component of the game, and it adds an extra layer of challenge by recording the player’s time.

To connect the LED display to the circuit, first, using a jumper wire, connect the positive rail and the 5V port with a red wire. Next, connect the negative rail and ground port with a black wire. Now, connect the LED display module to the breadboard.

Using a jumper wire with a male header, connect the positive lead of the buzzer to the game. Secure it with electrical tape if necessary. Finally, connect the negative and positive rails of the breadboard to the ground and 5V ports.

Programming the timer function

Next, program the LED timer function in the Arduino UNO. Start by writing a sketch that defines variables for the LED display pins. Then, initialize the LED display and set the timer value to 0.

Continuously read the analog input from the wire handle. When it touches the wire in the maze, trigger the buzzer and stop the timer. Print the timer value to the LED display and delay the game for a second before resetting the maze and the timer.

The LED timer adds another level of fun to the buzz wire game for Arduino UNO. It records the player’s time, making the game more challenging and competitive. By following these steps, anyone can add an LED timer to their buzz wire game and have a great time challenging their steady hand and speed.

So, adding an LED timer to the buzz wire game for Arduino UNO is a fun way to increase the challenge and record the player’s time. By connecting the LED display to the circuit and programming the timer function in the Arduino UNO, the game becomes more exciting and competitive. With these simple steps, anyone can build their buzz wire game and time themselves as they challenge their steady hand.

Game Handle/Wand

Creating the game handle/wand from metal wire

The game handle/wand is a crucial component of the buzz wire game for Arduino UNO. It is the tool that the player will use to navigate through the maze without touching the wire and causing the buzzer to sound and the timer to stop.

To create the game handle, a section of aluminum wire needs to be cut with wire cutters. The size of the wire section will depend on how big or complex the maze is and the base that is being used. The length should be long enough to hold onto comfortably while navigating the maze.

Using pliers, bend one end of the wire to form a loop. This loop will act as the handle for the player to grip and guide it through the maze.

Attaching it to the game circuit

After creating the game handle/wand, it’s time to attach it to the game circuit. Connect one end of the wire to the positive rail of the breadboard and the other end to the analog input A0 of the Arduino UNO board.

It is important to note that the wire should not touch the maze wire at any point. Doing so will cause the buzzer to sound and the timer to stop.

By following these steps, the game handle/wand can be created and attached to the buzz wire game circuit for Arduino UNO. It is an essential tool to complete the challenge and navigate through the maze without causing the buzzer to sound.

So, the game handle/wand is an important component of the buzz wire game for Arduino UNO. It should be created using a section of aluminum wire and attached to the circuit without touching the maze wire. Following these steps will help anyone create and attach the game handle/wand to the buzz wire game and enjoy playing the challenge.

Testing and Troubleshooting

The final step in creating a buzz wire game with an LED timer for Arduino UNO is testing and troubleshooting. Testing the game for functionality is crucial to ensure that all the components are working correctly. Debugging any issues that arise is just as important to fix the problem and get the game up and running.

Testing the game for functionality

To test the game, first, power on the Arduino UNO by connecting the USB cord from the Arduino to the computer. Make sure that all the components are connected as per the instructions. Turn on the switch, and the LED timer module should light up.

Use the wire handle to navigate the maze, trying to avoid hitting the wire, which activates the buzzer and stops the timer. After completing the maze, the LED timer should display the time taken to navigate the maze.

Debugging any issues that arise

If there are any issues with the game’s functionality, the first thing to do is check the wiring connections to make sure they are correct. Next, examine the code to see if there are any errors or problems that may be causing the issue.

Some common issues that may arise during testing include the maze wire not being secure, the buzzer not working, or the LED display not lighting up. These issues can usually be fixed by double-checking the wiring and debugging the code.

Therefore, testing and troubleshooting are crucial steps to ensure that the buzz wire game with an LED timer for Arduino UNO is functioning correctly. By following the steps outlined in this guide, anyone can build their buzz wire game and challenge themselves to improve their skills. With a little patience and determination, anyone can create a fun and exciting game that will provide hours of entertainment.

Testing and Troubleshooting

The buzz wire game with an LED timer for Arduino UNO is an exciting and challenging game that anyone can build. Building the game involves several steps to connect and program the components. However, testing and troubleshooting are crucial steps to ensure that the game is functional before playing it.

Testing the game for functionality

Before playing the game, testing for functionality is crucial to ensure that the components are connected correctly and working as intended. To test the game, power on the Arduino UNO and turn on the LED timer module by switching it on. The timer should light up. Use the wire loop to navigate the maze, trying to avoid touching the wire. If the wire touches, the buzzer will sound, and the LED timer will stop. Completing the maze should display the time taken on the LED timer.

Debugging any issues that arise

If any issues arise during the test, the first thing is to check the connections to ensure they are secure and correct. Next, review the code to identify any errors causing problems and debug the issue. Common issues that may arise include an insecure maze wire, a buzzer that isn’t working, or LED display that doesn’t light up. Double-checking the wiring and debugging the code can usually fix most issues.


Therefore, building a buzz wire game using an Arduino UNO is an exciting project that is perfect for hobbyists. By following the steps outlined in this guide, anyone can create their version of the game, adding personal touches and improvements to make it unique. Additionally, testing and troubleshooting are crucial steps to ensure the game is functional, allowing for hours of entertainment.

Future modifications and upgrades to the game

Once the basic buzz wire game is complete, there are several ways to modify or upgrade it to make it more challenging or unique. These upgrades could include adding multiple tracks or mazes, incorporating different sound effects or tunes, or making the wire loop more complicated by adding twists, turns, and obstacles. With a little creativity and imagination, the possibilities for improving this simple game are endless.

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