
How to make a giveaway on Instagram

How to make a giveaway on Instagram

The giveaways on Instagram are a marketing method to enliven your account on this social network, give your followers something to talk about and, why not, gain a few followers thanks to your own word of mouth lottery. And depending on what promotions or announce as a giveaway gift, you will help your profile to gain popularity. The question is, how to do a giveaway on Instagram?

Officially, Instagram does not have a button to create sweepstakes. But being such a popular social network, it is not surprising that specific pages, services and applications of this social network have emerged. And there are those that allow to create your own giveaways on Instagram in an automated way. So there will be no doubts when you announce the winner .

Thanks to the raffle you will get more “likes”, mentions, comments and followers. Come on, you will increase the interactions with your current followers and, in addition, you will get new followers to interact with. This will make your Instagram profile appear better positioned in the searches and recommendations .

The rules of Instagram when doing giveaways

The first question you will ask yourself is, does Instagram allow giveaways on its social network? Considering that there is no official option to do so, the doubt is reasonable. The answer will be found in the conditions of use of Instagram. And curiously, it does talk about sweepstakes in its legal documents.

Instagram giveaways or promotions have certain rules. First, it tells you what you need to do the giveaway: some official rules and publicize the conditions, requirements and restrictions of the offer.

But the important thing is what you can and what you cannot do. For example, “You will not tag content in the wrong way or encourage users to do so (for example, by encouraging people to tag themselves in photos in which they do not appear) ”.

Instagram disassociates itself from giveaways. “We do not offer any help to manage your promotion and we cannot advise you on whether it is mandatory to obtain the user's authorization to use its content or, if applicable , on how to obtain it. ” And to be clear, promotions or sweepstakes must “include a complete exoneration of Instagram of all responsibility on the part of each contestant or participant” and “an acknowledgment that the promotion is not sponsored, endorsed or managed by Instagram or associated in any way with the platform ”. In summary. The giveaway on Instagram runs at your own risk , never better said.

Task list to prepare your giveaway

Any action you do on Instagram has a reason for being. And if you propose to do a giveaway on Instagram it is because you want to achieve something , you have a purpose. This is what happens with any advertising or marketing campaign or action. What is the OBJETIVE?

As we saw before, a giveaway can be used to gain followers , increase the traffic of Instagram users who visit your other social profiles or websites, sell the product or service that you will give away in the raffle or, simply, increase the interactions of your profile to improve its positioning on Instagram.

Once we have the goal in mind, we must finalize the giveaway on Instagram. What do we give away and to whom? That is, if there is one gift or more, how many people can be awarded … This decision will often depend on the prize of the draw and the conditions of the brand that provides the gift.

Finally, we will need to make the rules of the draw . Keep in mind what we saw earlier about the conditions of Instagram. For the rest, you must indicate what the user has to do to be eligible for the prize draw: tag someone, post something, comment, give “Like”, answer a question, follow your Instagram account, etc. In addition to what you have to do , you will have to limit the draw on the calendar : When does it start? When does it end? When will the result of the draw be published? Spend time with the giveaway rules to avoid problems later. That they are clear rules and that they are well published.

The last step, publicize the giveaway. Depending on what you want to achieve, you can spread it both on Instagram and on other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or TikTok , for free, with your own publications, or hiring promoted publications that will be more visible.

During the draw on Instagram we will follow up to see how it evolves, directly on the social network and looking at the metrics and statistics . And, later, we will obtain some conclusions with that data to know if the giveaway on Instagram worked as we wanted.

Platforms to do giveaways on Instagram

After all the above, now you are clear about what you want to do in your giveaway. You only need to create it and make it public . To do this, you can use your creativity or automate the process with the help of a platform specialized in Instagram giveaways. This way you will avoid suspicions with the results of the draw.

AppSorteos : Free and compatible with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and. Twitter Allows you to create different types of giveaway . It also offers several methods to obtain the award. Once configured, you will get a public link to post the giveaway. The platform manages the whole process for you.

Easypromos : It is a paid service but the first draw is free. It offers certificate of validity, winners page, user blacklist, etc. The paid versions add a multitude of options in case you want to manage the campaign in detail and obtain your own statistics .

Simpliers : Available for Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and TikTok. It is free by default up to three giveaways per user and 300 comments per giveaway. Its configurator is very practical and allows you to choose number of winners , tags and / or words, eliminate duplicate comments, etc.

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