
how to merge two branches on git

how to merge two branches on git

how to merge two branches on git

The use of Git has become increasingly popular in the software development industry. Git is a distributed version control system that allows for efficient collaboration and management of source code changes. One of the essential features of Git is the ability to merge branches. This allows multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously, making it easier to track changes and maintain code quality.

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to collaborate efficiently on source code changes. Git is designed to be fast, secure, and flexible. With Git, developers can work on a project simultaneously without worrying about changes being overwritten or lost. Git is also designed to handle large-scale projects with many contributors, making it an ideal solution for teams working on complex software projects.

Why do we need to merge branches in Git?

When multiple developers are working on a project, it’s common for them to create separate branches to work on specific features or changes. These branches can exist independently of each other until they need to be merged back into the main branch. Merging is typically done to ensure that all changes are integrated into the main branch, making it easier to maintain and track the progress of the project.

To merge branches in Git, developers can use the ‘git merge’ command. This command integrates the changes made in a separate branch into the main branch. However, if there are conflicts between the two branches, Git will require user intervention to resolve the conflicts.

Before performing a merge, it’s essential to ensure that the merge goes smoothly. Developers can execute the ‘git status’ command to confirm that the head is pointing to the correct merge-receiving branch. Additionally, it’s crucial to resolve any conflicts before merging to ensure that the changes are integrated correctly.

Therefore, merging branches in Git allows developers to work on multiple features simultaneously while maintaining code quality and progress tracking. Git is designed to handle complex software projects, making it an excellent choice for teams working on large-scale projects. With the use of ‘git merge,’ developers can ensure that all changes are integrated correctly, resulting in a more efficient and effective development process.

Understanding Git Branches

What are Git branches?

Git branches are an essential part of Git version control system. They allow multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously without disrupting each other’s work. A branch in Git is simply a separate line of development that enables you to work independently on a feature or bug fix without affecting the main codebase.

With Git branches, you can create snapshots of the existing code to work on the new features or fix a bug without worrying about breaking the existing code. This means that the developers can work on their own branches, committing their work locally and pushing the changes to the remote repository when it is ready to be reviewed and merged into the main codebase.

How do Git branches work?

To create a new branch in Git, type git branch followed by the branch name. For example, git branch feature-1. When you create a new branch, Git creates a pointer that points to the same commit as the current branch. This means that when you switch to the new branch, you’ll see exactly the same files that you have on the old branch.

As you work on the new branch, Git keeps track of all the changes that you make. When you’re ready to merge the changes into the main codebase, you first need to switch back to the main branch and then run the command “git merge feature-1”. Git will merge all the changes that you made while working on the feature-1 branch into the master branch.

If there are any conflicts between the two branches, Git will prompt you to resolve them before the merge can be completed. Once resolved, the changes will be merged into the main codebase, and any other developers working on the project can pull the changes and continue working on their branches.

Therefore, understanding Git branches is essential for efficient collaboration among developers while working on a project. Creating branches is a quick and easy way to work independently on separate features and fixes without interfering with other team members’ work. With Git branches, the merging process is straightforward, and conflicts can be resolved promptly, making version control efficient and smooth.

Checking out a Branch in Git

Checking out a branch in Git is a simple process that allows developers to switch between branches in a codebase. Once the developer has created a new branch and committed their work, they can switch to another branch to continue working on a separate feature or bug fix. To check out a branch in Git, follow these steps:

How to check out a branch using Git commands

1. Open the command line and navigate to the root of the Git repository.

2. Type “git checkout ” followed by the name of the branch you want to switch to. For example, if you want to switch to the branch named “feature-1,” type “git checkout feature-1.”

3. Once you hit enter, Git will switch to the branch you specified, and the command line will show which branch you are currently on. If you want to switch back to the master branch, type “git checkout master.”

It is critical to note that before switching branches, you need to commit all your changes on the current branch. This is because Git won’t allow you to switch branches if there are uncommitted changes, as it wants to ensure you save your work before moving on to a separate branch.

Managing multiple branches with Git

In Git, you can create as many branches as you need to work on independent features and fixes simultaneously. Once created, you can switch between branches to continue working on your codebase. To see which branch you are currently on or which branches you have available, type “git branch” in the Git command line.

If you want to create a new branch, use the command “git branch ” followed by the branch name. For example, if you want to create a branch named “feature-2,” type “git branch feature-2.”

Git also allows you to merge one branch with another. Suppose you’ve created a branch, made some modifications to the code, and want to merge those changes with another branch. In that case, Git makes it easy to do so.

First, switch to the branch that you want to merge your changes into by using the command “git checkout .” Then, run the command “git merge ,” where “branchName” is the name of the branch you want to merge.

Once Git completes the merge, review the changes to ensure everything is as expected, and there are no conflicts. If there are conflicts, Git prompts you to resolve them before proceeding with the merge.

Therefore, understanding Git branches is critical for efficient collaboration among developers working on a project. Being able to create new branches, switch between them, and merge changes efficiently is essential to ensure the codebase remains stable and avoids conflicts. Using Git commands is straightforward and easy to learn, allowing teams to work together effectively.

Merging Branches in Git

Different ways of merging branches in Git

Merging branches in Git is a crucial concept in version control. It enables developers to combine changes from different branches, allowing for efficient collaboration on projects. Git merges are two types: fast-forward and three-way merges.

A fast-forward merge happens when there are no changes in the destination branch since the branch was created. All Git needs to do is to move the destination branch pointer forward to where the source branch’s head is. This method works well when the branches have simple changes, and there is no conflict to be resolved.

A three-way merge occurs when a branch contains unique changes that don’t exist in the destination branch. This usually happens when two developers are working on the same code, and their changes conflict when merging. Git will automatically create a new commit to merge these changes, resulting in a merge commit.

Git merge conflicts and how to resolve them

Conflicts may occur when merging branches with dissimilar changes or if changes have been made to the same portion of the code in two separate branches. Git will identify these conflicts during the merging process and prompt the developer to make the necessary changes.

To fix conflicts, firstly, the developer needs to identify the conflicts. They can do this by opening the conflicting file and looking for the following markers:


>>>>>> branch_name: This marker shows the target branch.

The developer needs to edit the conflicting file to fix the errors, remove the markers, and save the file. Once the file is edited, the developer will need to stage the changes and commit them.

Several tools can help developers manage merge conflicts, such as Git mergetool, Git stash, and Git revert. These tools streamline the merging process and reduce the chances of making mistakes.

Therefore, merging branches in Git is critical in ensuring smooth collaboration among developers. Fast-forward merges work best when merging stored and simple changes. Three-way merges are necessary when merging complex changes with potential conflicts in the code. Git provides tools to help developers address conflicts and merge branches effortlessly.

Merging Branches Locally in Git

How to merge branches locally in Git

Merging branches locally in Git is a process that allows developers to bring changes made in one branch into another. This process is useful when collaborating on projects as it ensures that all developers are working with the same codebase.

Here are the steps to merge branches locally in Git:

1. Use the Git checkout command to switch to the branch you want to merge into. This branch is typically the main branch.

2. Next, use the git merge command and specify the name of the other branch to bring into this branch. For example, if you want to merge the “jeff/feature1” branch into the main branch, you can use the following command:


git merge jeff/feature1


Git will then create a new commit that combines the changes from both branches.

Using the Git checkout command to switch to the branch you want to merge into

Before you can merge branches in Git, you need to switch to the branch you want to merge changes into. This is done using the Git checkout command. Here’s how it works:

1. Open the Git Bash or Command Prompt on your local machine.

2. Navigate to the repository that contains the branch you want to merge into.

3. Use the following command to list all the branches in the repository:


git branch


4. To switch to the branch you want to merge into, use the following command:


git checkout branch_name


Replace “branch_name” with the name of the branch you want to merge into. Once you’ve switched to the correct branch, you can proceed with the merging process.

So, merging branches in Git is a vital process that allows developers to collaborate on projects efficiently. Git offers two types of merges, namely fast-forward and three-way merges. Conflicts may arise during the merging process, but Git provides tools to help developers manage them effectively. By following the steps outlined above, developers can merge branches locally in Git and ensure their projects are running smoothly.

Pushing a Merged Branch to Remote

How to push your locally merged branch to a remote Git repository

Merging branches in Git is a crucial concept in version control. Once branches have been merged locally, developers need to push the changes to their remote Git repository to make the merged code available to other developers working on the project. Here’s how to do it:

Using Git push and Git pull commands

Before pushing the merged changes to the remote repository, ensure that all changes made by other developers on the remote branch are pulled to your local repository using the Git pull command. This command will fetch the changes from the remote repository and integrate them into your current local branch.

Once you have pulled the changes, switch to the branch that you want to push using the Git checkout command. Then, merge the local branch with the remote upstream branch using the Git merge command. A merge commit is created to merge the changes, resulting in a single combined codebase.

After merging, use the Git push command to push the merged local codebase to the remote repository. This command will update the remote branch with the changes made locally. This process allows all developers working on the project to access the merged branches and contribute to the project.


Therefore, Git merging allows for efficient collaboration by enabling developers to integrate changes from different branches into the main codebase. By following the steps outlined above, developers can push the merged codebase to the remote Git repository, making it accessible to other developers working on the project. Conflict resolution may be necessary when merging branches, and Git provides tools to streamline the process. Overall, Git merging and pushing are essential for streamlining the software development process and ensuring efficient collaboration.

Merging Branches with Git Pull

Once you have completed work on your own branch in Git, it is time to integrate your changes into the main branch by merging them. Merging takes your branch changes and implements them into the main branch. In this article, we will discuss how to merge branches with Git pull and troubleshoot common problems that may arise during this process.

How to merge branches with Git pull

To merge branches in Git, you can use the Git pull command to bring the changes from the branch you want to merge into your current branch. Here are the steps to merge a branch with Git pull:

1. Switch to the branch you want to merge changes INTO using the Git checkout command.

2. Run the Git pull command with the name of the branch you want to merge FROM and integrate into your local branch.

3. Resolve any conflicts that may arise during the merge.

Once you have resolved any conflicts, commit the changes to your local branch and then push them to the remote repository to make them available to other developers.

Troubleshooting problems with Git pull

Sometimes, you may encounter issues when using Git pull to merge branches. Here are some common problems that may arise and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Merge conflicts: When two branches have changes to the same file, Git cannot automatically merge the branches and a conflict occurs. To resolve conflicts, manually edit the files that have conflicts and then commit your changes.

2. Uncommitted changes: If you have uncommitted changes on your local branch, Git will not allow you to merge another branch until you commit your changes or stash them.

3. Missing upstream branches: If the branch you are trying to merge is not available on the remote repository, you may need to fetch the upstream changes first with the Git fetch command.

Therefore, Git pull is a crucial tool for merging changes from one branch into another. By following the steps outlined above, you can successfully integrate your changes into the main branch and collaborate with other developers. If you encounter any issues during the merge process, use Git’s built-in tools to troubleshoot and resolve them. With Git pull, you can streamline your development process and ensure that your codebase is up-to-date and error-free.

Reverting a Merge in Git

How to revert a merge in Git

When working on a project with multiple developers, merging branches is a critical aspect of version control. Occasionally, developers may need to revert a merge to restore the codebase to an earlier state. Git provides two primary ways to undo a merge: using the Git revert command or the Git reset command.

Using the Git revert and Git reset commands

To undo a merge with the Git reset command, developers must first find the commit hash of the branch before the merge. This can be accomplished using the Git reflog command. Once they have identified the commit hash, they can reset the branch using the Git reset –merge command. This command moves the branch pointer to the commit before the merge and discards the changes made by the merge.

Using Git revert to undo a merge involves finding the hash of the merge commit using the Git log command, and then reverting the merge commit with the Git revert command. The Git revert command creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the merge commit. Developers can easily undo a merge in the Tower Git client by pressing CMD+Z (or CTRL+Z on Windows).


Git merging and reverting are two critical components of version control. By following the outlined steps, developers can revert a merge that they no longer need. These commands are powerful tools that allow developers to efficiently collaborate on projects while maintaining an organized and functional codebase. Conflict resolution may be necessary when merging branches, which Git provides tools to streamline. So, developers can use Git’s merging and reverting capabilities to speed up development and ensure efficient collaboration.

Reverting a Merge in Git

How to revert a merge in Git

When working on collaborative projects, merging multiple branches is a crucial aspect of version control. Occasionally, there may be a need to undo or revert a merge to restore the codebase to an earlier state. Git offers two primary ways to undo a merge – using the Git revert command or the Git reset command.

Developers can use the Git reset command to undo a merge by finding the commit hash of the branch before the merge using the Git reflog command. Once they have identified the commit hash, they can reset the branch using the Git reset –merge command, which moves the branch pointer to the commit before the merge, and discards the changes made by the merge.

On the other hand, the Git revert command is used to undo a merge by finding the hash of the merge commit using the Git log command, and then reverting the merge commit with the Git revert command. The Git revert command creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the merge commit.

In the Tower Git client, developers can easily undo a merge by pressing CMD+Z (or CTRL+Z on Windows).

Using Git merge best practices

Adhering to Git merge best practices ensures that your team can work seamlessly on collaborative projects, from development to deployment. Here are some essential Git merge best practices:

  • Ensure that you have the latest version of the target branch before you perform a merge.

  • Ensure that you have resolved all conflicts before committing changes.

  • Always create a new branch when introducing new features or updates to avoid conflicts with other ongoing work.

  • Perform regular code reviews to ensure quality and consistency in your codebase.

Common Git merge mistakes to avoid

Here are some common Git merge mistakes that developers should avoid:

  • Failing to resolve conflicts before merging.

  • Merging complex or incomplete code, which can cause errors and bugs in the application.

  • Not creating a new branch when introducing new features or updates.

  • Not performing code reviews, which can result in poor quality and inconsistent code.


Git merging and reverting are essential components of version control. By following Git merge best practices and avoiding common mistakes, developers can streamline collaboration on projects and maintain an organized and functional codebase. Conflict resolution may be necessary when merging branches, and Git offers tools to help streamline the process. Developers can use Git’s merging and reverting capabilities to speed up development and ensure efficient collaboration.

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