
In the United Kingdom, the first major NFT seizure

In the United Kingdom, the first major NFT seizure

The first seizure of Nft took place in Great Britain . In detail, three NFTs were seized during an investigation carried out by the officials of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (Hrmc).

The three suspects were arrested on charges of tax fraud worth $ 1.9 million ( 1.4 million pounds ). In particular, the three would have tried to claim more VAT than they should through the use of stolen identities, unregistered phones and false invoices (involving about 250 alleged fake companies).

Hmrc's Deputy Director of Economic Crime, Nick Sharp , said in this regard: “We are constantly adapting to new technologies to keep up with the way criminals and evaders try to hide their assets. This seizure will serve as a warning to anyone who thinks they can use cryptoassets to hide money from HMRC. “

Via: TheVerge, CorCom
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