
Instagram Playback 2021: How to See Your Top 10 Stories of the Year

Instagram Playback 2021: How to See Your Top 10 Stories of the Year

As we navigate the final weeks of 2021, we come across the traditional annual reviews of our preferred online platforms almost daily. In the case of music, for example, we have come across Spotify Wrapped and Apple Music Replay; while on social media, Instagram Playback offers us a look at our top 10 stories of the year .

It is a simple proposal, but one that proposes us to take our foot off the gas and review some of the highlights of the last twelve months. In a 2021 marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and the gradual return to normality, it is not bad to see how the experiences we portray in our Instagram stories have evolved.

Through Instagram Playback, the social network will automatically select a dozen of our stories that we can share for our followers. However, users will be able to add or delete more stories that are part of the file that is kept on the platform. Those who wish to create their own review can do so from the allegorical post that appears in the main Instagram feed.

On the other hand, it will also be possible to create our Playback while we see the stories of other accounts. If a story appears with the “2021” sticker, we can tap on it to be directed to our own selection of publications. As explained from the platform, Instagram Playback will be available only for a few weeks , to reflect the best of our calendar as we get closer to the New Year's celebration.

Instagram Playback allows us to relive the best of our 2021

The option to see our best stories of 2021 through Instagram Playback is available from today to users around the world. However, as this is a gradual release, it may take a little longer to reach some accounts.

A striking fact is that this year Instagram leaned towards the format of stories for Instagram Playback; and thus it seems to have abandoned the “Top 9” format that it implemented in previous years. Recall that until the end of 2020, inclusive, the social network allowed all users to share a grid with their nine photos with the most likes. However, this time he seems to have discarded the idea.

With the barrage of criticism that the platform has received throughout the year for its harmful effect on the mental health of adolescents, it would not be unusual for Instagram to change the focus of its annual review to prevent posts from end of the year become a competition for the likes . Although it could also be simply one more way to exploit the great popularity of stories among the public.

Whatever the case, Instagram Playback has come to flood the social network with memories of all kinds and put nostalgia to the surface after a complex and dizzying year. Meanwhile, we are preparing for 2022 that will have several news for the social network; among them, the return of the chronological feed.

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