
Instagram starts implementing selfie identity verification: here's what you need to know

Instagram starts implementing selfie identity verification: here's what you need to know

Instagram has started asking new users to verify their identity with a selfie of their face. The Meta social network (a company previously known as Facebook) seeks with this new security function to avoid the creation of false accounts . It also ensures that it will delete the data after 30 days.

As consultant Matt Navara points out, Instagram will ask users to record a 30-second video of their face to verify their identity. The application will be in charge of guiding you through the process and will ask you to look at your smartphone's selfie camera and turn your head in different directions.

“We need a short video of how to turn your head in different directions. This helps us confirm that you are a real person and confirm your identity.”

Instagram Instagram ensures that the identity verification video will not be visible within the platform. In other words, once the process has been carried out, not even the user himself will be able to see it and it will be deleted after 30 days. Likewise, the company points out that it will not use facial recognition technology or biometric data for the process.

Credit: Matt Navarra

Instagram, seeking to avoid spam accounts

Selfie verification is a tool increasingly used by services or applications that need to validate the identity of a user. In general, biometric analysis is used, but on Instagram they say that they will not use this tool for their system.

Instagram began testing selfie verification about a year ago in the United States. Now it seems to be expanding to all users who want to create a new account on the platform . Those who fail to pass the security test will not be able to have a profile in it.

Meta, the parent company of Instagram, announced in early November that it would stop using its facial recognition system and erase the data of more than 1 billion people who had been joining for several years, although it said it would continue to work with that technology from looking to the future.

The social network Facebook began to use facial recognition in 2010, when it was still a technology not used by many companies. But it recently had to shut it down due to growing privacy concerns. Instagram will apparently use a different solution to validate the identity of users.

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