
Instagram wants you to not blame your internet connection if it fails: now it will warn you if it has technical problems

Instagram wants you to not blame your internet connection if it fails: now it will warn you if it has technical problems

When social networks fail, the first thing we tend to ask ourselves is whether it is a problem with our Internet connection. You may have experienced this with the recent downfall of apps that come under the orbit of Facebook. Now, Instagram wants that the next time the service presents difficulties you know that the problem comes from their side.

The social network has begun testing a feature that will notify users if they are experiencing a outage or technical problem . It will also report when the problem has been resolved. From Instagram they assure that they want to face that “frustrating lack of clarity” that occurs when the service fails, implying what is happening directly themselves.

But rest assured that your Activity section will not be filled with notifications about interruptions or the status of the service. Instagram ensures that it will send notices only when they see that “people are confused and looking for answers, with the aim of clarifying things”.

The notifications of problems will be displayed within the application itself, so we are not sure how they would distribute them in the event of a general drop like the one on October 4. For now, the test is taking its first steps in the United States and will continue for the next few months. Instagram says it will possibly expand to other countries over time.

Instagram will inform you if you are going to lose your account

The introduction of a new tool called “Account Statement” has also been announced in the official blog post. This seeks to notify users if their account is at risk of being disabled in case their profile, any photo or comment has been reported or classified as inappropriate.

Users who think that a mistake has been made will have the possibility to appeal the decision. To do this, they must enter “Request a review” in the “Account statement” section. Likewise, the social network ensures that it will improve this new tool over the months and, like the notifications of service problems, it will arrive first in the United States.

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