
IPTV Special: 49 retailers fined for over € 500,000, users also at risk

IPTV Special: 49 retailers fined for over € 500,000, users also at risk

The economic-financial police unit of the Venice finance police has completed the so-called “ IPTV Special ” operation, which has identified a very complex structure, dedicated to piracy of paid TV and streaming platforms , with a turnover of around one million euros.

There are 49 retailers identified and fined for over 10,000 euros each (some would have already paid), but there are other 21 people reported , probably those who dealt with the upstream operation, that is to decrypt the paid services ( Sky, DAZN, Netflix etc.).

Last but not least, the 65,000 customers of this pirated content network are also involved, and it is their position that is currently being examined, to ascertain the individual responsibilities of the users of these illegal “subscriptions”.

In the meantime, the reference site of the “service” has been obscured, and the seizure of all the hardware and software related to it has been ordered. In short, on the threshold of 2022, piracy is still hard to die.

Via: Il Gazzettino
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