
Jony Ive will leave Apple

Jony Ive will leave Apple

Jony Ive, Apple's hugely popular chief designer, will leave the company in the next few months after nearly thirty years. This was announced by Apple itself, communicating that Ive will found his own design studio with which he wants to carry out personal projects, but that at the same time the new studio will have Apple among its main customers: the collaboration between Ive and Apple, therefore, will continue. . Apple CEO Tim Cook said, “Jony is unique in the world of design and his role in Apple's rebirth cannot be underestimated,” adding that “Apple will continue to benefit from Jony's talent by working directly with him on projects. exclusive “.

Jony Ive joined Apple in 1992 and had a close and confidential relationship with Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who returned to lead the company in 1997. From the late 1990s onwards he contributed to the design of all the most well-known products. of Apple, starting from the iMac of 1998, passing through the iPod and ending with the iPhone: it is the main architect of the typical characteristic of Apple's objects, which combine functionality and beauty in the lines. In recent years he has also worked on the design of Apple Park, the new headquarters of the company.

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