Kodak MicroSD V30 is a very small MicroSD with excellent read and write performance, designed for those who need to record high definition videos on sportcam or compatible cameras, but also useful for those who simply want to increase the space available in the penultimate generation MacBook Pro or one Android smartphone.
Kodak MicroSD V30, the review
A fingernail of space
A non-problem that must be addressed immediately with the Kodak MicroSD V30 is undoubtedly the size, really small and equal to a fingernail. Before discarding it, it is better to decide immediately where to put it or it risks disappearing in a desk that is not very crowded.
The writer had to use it in many ways during the test and this entailed a certain amount of risk: fortunately the package comes with a soft plastic part that surrounds it, offering a decent protection even after opening (a piece of scotch tape is enough to close it).
Once the package is opened, however, the Kodak MicroSD V30 is ready to use and, usually, just insert it into a device and follow the instructions for the correct formatting.
1 of 3 The plastic packaging is reusable even after opening The SD adapter, useful for all non-standard devices directly compatibility with MicroSD format
Multiple test
The model we tested had 256 GB of space inside, a far from moderate capacity even today that we have MacBook Pro with 4 TB of hard disk.
The only attention to be made, however, is to check if the device is compatible with the available space: otherwise, in fact, the card is not really seen, probably due to the inability of the drivers to initialize all the available cells. This happened to us with a Nikon D90 camera, which handles SD / MicroSD drives up to 16GB at most.
On the other hand, no problem with other devices such as a Neffos X1 Lite Android smartphone, which has correctly seen the card, housed in the appropriate drawer, and immediately proposed formatting.
The Kodak MicroSD V30, here on TP-Link's Neffos X1 Lite
But to tell the truth the most interesting test in this regard was with a MacBook Pro 13 ″ from 2013, which features an integrated SD reader that we used via a MicroSD / SD adapter.
In this way, the MacBook Pro has practically doubled the space available, thus being able to host our entire MP3 library and a workbook containing Word, Illustrator, PowerPoint and some images documents, a great convenience that will probably send the person into retirement. External hard drive because the internal SD drive has the advantage of being much more practical.
For the latest generation MacBook Pro this is not possible (a pity though) but a similar situation can be obtained with an external USB-C reader like this one or even with models without cable (more practical but more bulky in the bag).
Inside the Neffos X1 Lite Android has seen the card correctly and used it within the Apps (where possible)
It is not possible to perform speed tests on all devices, unfortunately, so we report here only the test carried out on the MacBook Pro with adapter.
However, we can say that the Kodak MicroSD V30 allows you to record movies in FullHD at 60/120 fps, or at 4K at 30fps, very respectable measurements for such a small unit.
In addition, Kodak claims that the unit is also waterproof, which can be useful when used inside sport cameras, even if usually the housing compartment is already water or splash proof (on Mac, however, not, but not even the Mac is splash or water proof).
With a 2013 MacBook Pro 13, on the SD slot (with adapter) the card travels at the same speed as an external 2.5 ″ HD on USB3, so perfectly usable for various types of documents
There are two important features to remember about this unit: the extreme versatility of a memory unit that allows, natively or via adapters, to be used practically anywhere and the extreme economic convenience for an additional memory unit whose cost starts from 9.10 Euros for 32 GB (already a good size for a couple of workbooks) up to 86.45 Euros for 512 GB, a huge space when compared to the size (1.50 x 1.10 cm).
Through the SD / MicroSD adapter the card can be used anywhere, but pay attention to the specifics of the target device: our camera was in fact too old to handle 256 GB of memory
• Excellent price / performance ratio • Extremely versatile in use
• You must first check the compatibility for the larger models
• 9.10 Euros (32 GB) • 10.01 Euros (64 GB) • 17.29 Euros (128 GB) • 36.40 Euros (256 GB) • 86.45 Euros (512 GB)
Readers can find the Kodak MicroSD V30 in the 5 cuts available today at the GearBest pages starting from this page and then selecting the article.
We then invite you to also evaluate the accessories such as the MicroSD / SD adapter or the MicroSD reader via USB-C if used outside the devices directly compatible with the format. We also recommend that you evaluate the actual compatibility with your devices before making the purchase, usually indicated in the box or on the website under the specific item.