
Learn by playing: here’s how to explore and discover Chromebooks

Learn by playing: here's how to explore and discover Chromebooks

Approaching a novelty for the first time can be difficult and impervious, but applying a good dose of fun everything can take on different facets. It is not for nothing that there is the saying “ By playing one learns “, and considering how fundamental the playful aspect can be in the learning processes Google has created a new way to explore, discover, and most importantly, teach about Chromebooks.

This overview will provide users with a quick overview and practical keyboard shortcuts on how to navigate ChromeOS-based devices, accessible via this link.

The Mountain View company is working to improve the experiences it offers, and the feedback from users is the cornerstone of this procedure. Reason for which he invited users who will try this little game to let their thoughts know through the appropriate page that we leave you here.

Source: Google
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