
Linkem and Tiscali together: agreement for the birth of the new fixed telephony operator

Linkem and Tiscali together: agreement for the birth of the new fixed telephony operator

At the end of the year, very important news arrives for the fixed telephony sector in Italy. Linkem and Tiscali have just announced a merger agreement .

According to what has just been communicated by the two companies, Linkem will be merged into Tiscali, forming the party with the major control of the company, equal to 62% . From a technical point of view, this is the merger of the three companies Tiscali Spa , Linkem Spa and Linkem Retail srl .

The merger agreement will therefore bring the fifth fixed telephony operator to the Italian market. This will start from the market share of 19.4% held by Linkem in the FWA-FTTH sector.

The financial transactions for the merger between Linkem and Tiscali should be completed by first half 2022 , barring complications with the necessary authorizations. We will come back to update you once the market plans of the new operator that will be born are also defined.

Via: CorriereComunicazioni
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