
More control for users: on Facebook and Instagram you can choose to hide the number of likes

More control for users: on Facebook and Instagram you can choose to hide the number of likes

It's been two years since Instagram started testing the possibility of hiding the number of likes in the photos uploaded to the social network, but it would seem that this very long testing period has now come to an end: it's time possible choose to show or not the number of likes on Instagram and Facebook .

The company, through a post on its blog dedicated to news, announced that you can now choose not to see the number of likes for all the posts that will appear on the feed or for your uploaded photos : to do this, simply go to the new section Post of the settings and select the desired option. The same function is now present also on Facebook and can be managed from the app settings, under Reaction Counts . Also you can s choose to hide the number of likes before uploading a photo .

Facebook said: “What we have heard from people and experts is that not seeing the number of likes was beneficial for some but annoying for others, particularly because people use the number of likes to figure out what's popular and what's not, so we offer the choice to hide it “.

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