
More than 100 gift ideas for Christmas: technology, culture and for all budgets

More than 100 gift ideas for Christmas: technology, culture and for all budgets

Christmas is coming, and with it also the time of giving gifts . A task that for many is a pleasure, but for others it becomes a real headache, especially if you do not have gift ideas for Christmas in mind. In both cases, however, everyone wants the same outcome: to get it right, make the person who receives the gift happy and be original with their proposal.

At Hypertextual, as on other occasions, we have prepared a gift guide with the intention of helping you in this process. We have included products that we ourselves have, have given away or constantly recommend. You will also find some original Christmas gift ideas for the person who receives the gift from you –or yourself, in chaos to be a self-gift – be impressed.

The guide is organized into different categories, as you can see. We have also included links to some of the main providers in both Spain and Mexico. Everything, to make the purchase process (in case you like something of what we recommend) as simple as possible.

Enter our 2021 Gift Guide

More than 100 ideas of gifts for Christmas: technology, culture, video games, etc.

In our guide you can find multiple gift ideas for Christmas. You will find everything from objects to turn a house into a smart one, to drones with which to capture the world from the air. You will also find our main recommendations on mobile phones, books, board games, video games, subscriptions to digital services, computers and even a space suit for babies from SpaceX itself.

These gift ideas for Christmas also cover a wide range of prices . In this way, whether your budget is tight or you have a blank check, you will probably find technological or cultural products that may interest that person you are looking to surprise this Christmas.

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