
New confirmations on Apple's viewer: it will be in 8K

New confirmations on Apple's viewer: it will be in 8K

More and more news about the new viewer for the “mixed” (augmented and virtual) reality of Apple . This time, the product development is confirmed by none other than Li Nan , co-founder and former vice president of Meizu .

In a post on Weibo , a popular Chinese messaging application, the manager addressed anyone who had “doubts” about the Metaverse , confirming that Apple is working on the production of a 8K viewer . In other words, Apple's headset will be used by users to explore the new virtual universe of Zuckerberg .

As confirmed by recent leaks, the viewer of the Cupertino house will have the same power supply from 96W Type C of the MacBook 14 , and will be equipped with two processors. One, at 5mm , with computing power similar to that of Apple M1 processors , while the other, smaller, at 4mm which will manage the sensors and other components of the viewer. According to internal sources, both processors will be manufactured by TSMC . Disregarded the latest news that predicted a launch for the end of 2022, while a launch in the first quarter of 2023 seems more likely .

Street: Gizmochina
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