
Oclean X review, the smart ultrasonic toothbrush with touch screen that you shouldn't miss

Oclean X review, the smart ultrasonic toothbrush with touch screen that you shouldn't miss

After trying the younger brother (you can read the Oclean Air review here, it's up to the older brother Oclean X to be put to the test: at the moment it is perhaps the top of the range product of the oriental brand Oclean, specialized in the production of supersonic electric toothbrushes and supported – as often happens for devices of this kind – by Xiaomi , which emerges as the usual “gray eminence” supporting a brand that is affirming and not a little in the oral hygiene sector.

  • 1 How it's done
  • 2 Functionality and effectiveness
  • 2.1 (almost) touch screen
  • 2.2 Performance
  • 3 Application
  • 4 Autonomy
  • 5 Conclusion
  • How it's done

    The design is very pleasant, with a body made of plastic, it has a tapered and not at all angular line: slightly more squared than Oclean Air, it is characterized by a feeling of greater stability in the handle and superior handling – in the opinion of the writer – with the right ratio between weight and solidity .

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire

    The power button is also better, this time mechanical and not touch like the one on the younger brother, therefore more satisfying in the physical response and above all less prone to accidental unintentional pressures during cleaning.

    In the package there is also a convenient magnetic base that also acts as a charging base to be connected to the power outlet through the included micro USB cable.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire USB cable and charging base included Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The charging base is magnetic

    It is a 2 in 1 base: it can be placed flat directly on the sink, to then place Oclean X on its feet when it needs to be refilled; or it can be attached to the bathroom wall thanks to an adhesive (always included) such as wall support , in case you want to “hang” the toothbrush instead of resting it, configuration in which the base however, it does not lose its charging properties.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The side hook for wall mounting is also magnetic.

    Functionality and effectiveness

    We are therefore talking about an ultrasonic electric toothbrush armed to the teeth with good specifications: equipped with a magnetic brushless motor, the Oclean X is able to reach 40,000 vibrations per minute , performances that position Oclean's product once again up a step above an entry level Philips Sonicare equivalent, such as the 4300 and 4500 models.

    To this is added a 6-axis gyroscope responsible for recording all movements and the pressure applied to the toothbrush during each cleaning session. With this sensor statistics are processed that will allow you to analyze the quality of your “brushes”, through a score estimated in hundredths on a series of relevant indicators, such as torsion, pressure, accuracy.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire

    The smartest feature of Oclean X lies in this aspect, which therefore becomes a sort of dental consultant able to reveal to you – with the help of the App we will discuss later – if you are brushing your teeth well or if there is something to improve in your cleaning style.

    Do not miss the now obvious guide to 30 seconds : as happens practically on all electric models, every 30 seconds the toothbrush will warn you with a short stop to vibrations that it is time to change the area of brushing, to allow you to concentrate better on the cleaning sessions and to distribute the brushes included in the chosen cleaning program in a more balanced way.

    Screen (almost) touch screen

    The main novelty of this Oclean X, however, is the presence of a sort of 0.95-inch TFT color touch screen , which is activated by pressing the power button once and which represents the cross and delight in this device.

    We said “sort” of touch screen because in reality the screen itself is not really sensitive to touch, but the crown that surrounds it is.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The touch screen from off with the power button underneath.

    Basically, to navigate the menu on the screen and select the commands it will be necessary to slide your finger on the crown that surrounds the displays, observing the reactions directly on the 0.95 inches available.

    This mode of interaction is particularly convenient: the screen, in addition to displaying a whole series of useful information (such as the score totaled during the last cleaning, the remaining autonomy or even the current weather), allows you to access the settings basic brushes directly, without having to go through the appropriate application, which is necessary in the case of Oclean Air, for example. In this context, the application is always very useful but less essential.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The tuuch screen shows the device information Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire A menu with which you can interact with Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The cleaning mode selection menu

    It is a pity that the execution of this design intention was not exactly flawless. Control through the crown is variably inaccurate and in some cases it is necessary to repeat the movements and gestures more than once to perform the desired action.

    In other cases the menu seemed unclear and intuitive to us and it will be necessary to take a little hands to understand that to scroll the menu it is necessary to carry out gestures from top to bottom or vice versa, while to enter or exit a menu it will be must do it from right to left or vice versa.

    During our test we received a firmware update which seems to have improved the response of the touch screen but we can still consider the response accuracy still below excellence.


    From the point of view of pure performance, however, Oclean X has fully convinced us . The basic package includes a high-density head with Dupont Tynex 2017 filaments, specially made for ultrasonic toothbrushes and perfect for every dental need, both for those who want a more energetic brushing, and for those who want a more sensitive action.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The head included

    Although 40,000 vibrations per minute are declared as Oclean Air, the X model seemed to us more incisive and solid in the cleaning action, capable of brushing in a more thorough and energetic way.

    Also greater is the precision in changing the brushing mode after the foreseen 30 seconds: Oclean X shows to be able to “split” the second in cases where it is necessary to change the intensity or type of brushing, whereas the Air instead in some cases it is delayed by a few seconds during the transition.

    The best cleaning performance is perhaps due to the greater possibility of personalization of oral hygiene sessions, accessible through the Oclean application, available on the Play Store and iOS and usable via Bluetooth.


    As already happened for the Air, the customization takes place mainly via the application (or in this case also via the touch screen), but for Oclean X it is possible to set the energy level of the various brushing in a more granular way, selecting the brushing mode between massage, cleaning, whitening and sensitive cleaning and deciding the degree of intensity for each one.

    For example, if you decide to create a totally customized cleaning program, the selectable cleaning intensity level ranges from 1 to 32, whereas on Oclean Air you can roughly choose from a handful of intensity levels.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The guided selection mode of the cleaning program Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The screen for custom creation of the cleaning program Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire One of the programs already available Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire Instructions for using an existing program

    For those who do not want to reach such a level of customization, it is as always possible to select a series of pre-established cleaning plans according to everyone's needs: more delicate sessions for more sensitive gums, plans suitable for smokers, programs suitable for those who want a greater whitening and many others, more numerous than those available for the Air model.

    Finally, there is the guided mode , which, following a series of indicators and settings based on your needs, habits and condition of your teeth, will suggest the plan that best suits you.

    Overall the application is quite good, easy to use and complete with daily statistics, which will allow you to understand if you are making good use of your Oclean X and if you are taking care of your teeth correctly.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The main screen Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The cleaning session calendar Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire The screen dedicated to the device Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire Firmware update

    At the end of each cleaning session you will receive a score in cents that will judge your “skill” in handling the toothbrush, with any indications on which aspects to improve.

    Perhaps the most obvious flaw of the App concerns the inability to modify a custom cleaning program saved if in use; I know you want to do it, you will have to deselect it and set a different one.


    Oclean X uses an 800 mAh battery that can guarantee you about 28 days of use with two / three cleaning sessions per day, and that takes about two hours for a full charge. This is more or less what Oclean Air promised and maintained, except that the latter perhaps enjoys greater portability due to the slightly smaller dimensions of both the body and the charging base.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire

    It follows that, with the same performance (approximately 30 days of oral cleaning guaranteed without the need to recharge), Oclean X is perhaps a little less suitable as an electric travel toothbrush than the Air model.

    A consideration not to be overlooked if you travel frequently and it is your desire to always carry your electric toothbrush with you.


    Oclean X is passed with flying colors and in our opinion represents a better product overall than Oclean Air.

    The flawless and effective cleaning performance, the particularly granular levels of customization of the cleaning program via App, the autonomy of almost 30 days and the presence of the touch screen make it a complete product, pleasant to use and above all reliable.

    Recensione Oclean X, lo spazzolino ultrasonico smart con touch screen che non dovete lasciarvi sfuggire

    Too bad for some flaws of youth, such as the improved accuracy of the touch screen or some limitations of the App, but all in all negligible problems that do not absolutely overshadow the excellence of this device.

    The price is also particularly good : if we consider the technological concentration of this Oclean X, the 53 euros currently required to take it home, using the coupon GB-HBZOCXPL during the purchase phase, they are more than justified, especially if you are looking for an ultrasonic toothbrush that knows how to combine excellent performance and modern functionality.

    This justification becomes even more solid if we consider the advantageous price of the spare heads : with only about 10 euros it is possible to take home a package with four spare heads, an absolutely competitive price if we consider that the similar Philips Sonicare cartridges can cost around 15 or 16 euros for the two-cartridge pack.

    You can click on this link to check the head packs currently available the.


  • Excellent value for money
  • Optimal performance
  • Extended autonomy
  • Comfortable color touch screen
  • High customization via App
  • Economic heads
  • Cons

  • Touch screen sometimes inaccurate
  • Good app but can be improved
  • Oclean X can be purchased by clicking on this direct link at a price of about 53 euros using the coupon GB-HBZOCXPL during the purchase and with EU shipping (arrives in 2-4 days).

    The offer is valid while stocks last; for more information on shipping costs and times, any charges and order management, you can consult the seller's website.

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