
Orico DS200U3 review, the practical USB 3.0 case for storing or copying 3.5 ″ HD

Orico DS200U3 review, the practical USB 3.0 case for storing or copying 3.5 ″ HD

Orico DS200U3 is a dual 3.5 ″ drive enclosure with USB 3.0 interface on USB-A connector. The case is designed for double use: both as a perpetual container for two mechanical discs and for a case that, on the fly, can accommodate discs for copying documents (therefore an excellent product for those who deal with discs for work) since it does not require screws or other for changing units.

  • 1 Orico DS200U3, the review
  • 1.1 Password, simplicity
  • 1.2 Password, simplicity
  • 1.3 Cold and quite quiet.
  • 1.4 Cold and quite quiet.
  • 1.5 Pros:
  • 1.6 Cons:
  • 1.7 Price:
  • Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk

    Orico DS200U3, the review

    Password, simplicity

    The product was born under the wing of simplicity. Once the box is opened, simple but with good packaging, we find inside the case, protected by a cradle in soft porous rubber and, in the separate box, the cables and the power supply (external), which contrary to what is indicated in the comments of the page on Amazon, it is necessary.

    For complete operation it really takes two minutes, the time to connect the power supply and the USB 3.0 cable to a computer port, insert the discs and everything is ready.

    1 of 3 Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk

    The upper part of the case is magnetic and the insertion of the discs does not require any screws, everything happens in a simple way.

    Aesthetically it is a matte black plastic case, except the upper part which is all shiny (but always black). On the front there are three small LEDs that indicate operation while on the back there is the USB-B connector, the power supply and the power button, just below the cooling grid.

    Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk

    Password, simplicity

    Drivers are not required for management via macOS and Windows and disks are seen natively, being able to manage them via the preferred system.

    Here we must pay attention to an important factor: despite the guest case a double slot it is not possible, as far as we have seen, to manage a native hardware RAID system, even if macOS has allowed us to use a software RAID.

    In the most natural use, Orico DS200U3 allows you to host two separate disks independently, which become as many volumes available (or more, using partitions).

    1 of 3 Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk The discs, partially visible here: the magnetic top cover can be used or not, as it's just for beauty Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk

    Cool and quite quiet.

    We used the Orico DS200U3 with two WD RED drives, one 12TB and one 6TB, playing with various systems, from single drives to multiple RAID systems.

    The unit, to tell the truth, is certified with disks up to 10 TB per slot: the use we made of it with the 12 TB WD RED did not give any problems, and a quick round of mail with assistance Orico's technique made it clear to us that the use of larger disks is not prohibited, but the tests conducted in the laboratory returned results other than those of 10TB or less, so they preferred to set the limit of 10 TB for safety.

    The slots are designed for 3.5 ″ drives: nothing prevents you from also putting 2.5 ″ SSD or mechanical drives but in this case there is no support to make them stay in place, since the connector alone may not be enough.

    Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk 12TB WD RED Single Disk Speed ​​Test

    The noise is barely perceptible and is given by the small fan that turns on when the device is turned on, but nothing extraordinary, also because the disks were NAS class, therefore with integrated anti-vibration system.

    The speed is very good, a sign that the internal architecture is very well done and that it has been able to take full advantage of all the available SATA channel.

    Among other things, the unit also offers an automatic sleep control system, which puts the disk to sleep after a period of inactivity, even if it is a bit too short and there is no system to adjust it correctly.

    Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk WD RED 6TB Single Drive Speed ​​Test

    Cool and fairly quiet.

    Simple, at times clearly obvious, Orico DS200U3 is a unit that will make happy those who use different discs for work and change them very frequently, finding in this case a very useful freedom from screws and hooks (but with a dust cover).

    The silent operation and the freedom from the drivers make it ideal also for those looking for a case to be placed next to the Mac in the room, which just works, as often the consumer user requires.

    Too bad for the lack of features such as hardware RAID and disk duplication, well accepted by more professional users, for whom, however, perhaps this unit is too simple.

    Recensione Orico DS200U3, il case USB 3.0 pratico per chi maneggia Hard Disk RAID Assistant, a way to have a RAID between the two disks inserted, unfortunately only software


    • Freedom from screws and hooks • Sober design


    • Hardware RAID is missing • Sleep is perhaps too short


    • € 59.99 (2 drives, USB 3.0) • € 69.99 (2 drives, USB-C) • € 139.99 (5 drives, USB 3.0) • € 149.99 (5 drives, USB-C)

    Orico DS200U3 is available through in two-disk (USB 3.0 and USB-C) and five-disk (USB 3.0 and USB-C) configurations with prices starting at € 59.99 (for the unit under test) . During this review we used WD Red discs.

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