
Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition compact keyboard review

Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition compact keyboard review

Home Hi-Tech Games and Consoles Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition is the new 65% compact keyboard designed for those who play more than superficially.

Let's break the delay and warn you that we are faced with a truly extraordinary product, which costs much more than you think but which offers a quality and a series of accessory options to make the mouth water of any gamer (and not only ). Let's see which ones.

  • 1 What 65% means
  • 2 Triple connection
  • 3 Synapse and memory
  • 4 Double keys
  • 5 Green or Yellow?
  • 6 Customization
  • 7 Battery
  • 8 Considerations
  • 9 Pros:
  • 10 Cons:
  • 11 Price :
  • What does 65%

    mean One of the key features to best describe the product is to understand that it is a 65% keyboard, one of the clearest messages of the entire campaign.

    The number indicates that the keyboard is about 65% of a full size keyboard, such as the Razer Huntsman V2 Analog, which includes the pure keyboard and some function keys, such as the arrow keys and four dedicated keys.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Although the consideration is obviously subjective, according to most, the cut at 65% is the best because it offers a fair compromise between the space occupied in the desk and ergonomics during use.

    To make a comparison, the Razer Huntsman Mini keyboard works very well, but the compromise of being “only” a 60%, therefore without function keys and above all without dedicated arrow keys, offers perhaps an excessive compromise, where this Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, on the other hand, appears much more comfortable.

    The 65% cut also wins in portability because the keyboard also fits very well in the backpack, and this detail is also important when talking about the triple connection.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Like all mechanical gamer keyboards, also in this case the Chroma RGB lighting is the master, but unlike other keyboards here it is practically necessary, because the keys are in negative and without lights on screen printing. not seen.

    Triple connection

    Out of the box, the keyboard has a maximum footprint of 32 × 12 cm, by 4 in height (including keys and feet). The upper part offers the keys for the letters divided into 4 lines, and a drop-down support on the front, where the illuminated Razer logo stands out. The lower part is headed by a texture “for games by gamers”, two fixed feet and two adjustable in three positions.

    On the back, the USB-C connector accompanies the three-state switch for triple connection (wired, wirelessly at 2.4 Ghz and Bluetooth). The cable, included in the package, is very nice and anti-kink, and obviously also serves for recharging, which as we will see later is a feature to keep under control.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa

    We immediately tried the keyboard with the supplied USB-A Dongle (which is housed in a dedicated compartment under the body, very useful when traveling) and then tried the cable operation and also the Bluetooth one, which among other things also allows you to associate up to three distinct Devices and recall them with a convenient keyboard shortcut.

    It is no longer a novelty because even Razer has for some time fully cleared the quality of wireless connections, both in keyboards and mice, but it should be noted that the difference between wireless and wired operation is completely absent.

    The keyboard can be used safely without wires thanks to HyperSpeed ​​Wireless technology, even by experienced players who consider the millisecond as a valid time slot in the game, because the keyboard will be able to give them satisfaction.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa The button on the back that determines the type of connection. It is not seen in the photo but just to the left is the USB-C connector that works both for charging and for wired operation

    Synapse and memory

    The keyboard was immediately seen by both macOS and Windows 10, even if on the latter the Razer drivers required a dedicated update for customization: the drivers are not strictly necessary for correct functioning in both operating systems, but they allow really convenient additional functions such as brightness adjustment and key assignment, as well as the creation of macros.

    One of the most convenient features of the Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition is undoubtedly that of having a built-in memory, with five profiles that can be stored.

    On the one hand, this allows us to keep the keyboard mapping and also any Macros when we change computers (for those who compete it is more than convenient, we would say fundamental) on the other hand to preserve the preferences when we operate on macOS (apart from the brightness, which on Mac it is locked in a set that varies one color per second).

    A virtual machine with Parallels Desktop is also enough to change them.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Synapse drivers, used here to map some characters

    Double keys

    The 65% cut, as we have said, is convenient because it occupies the right amount on the desk, and even in the bag it is convenient between the computer and all the cables. However, it is clear that without the numeric keypad there is some compromise.

    To work around, Razer has put the function key that in practice virtualization the classic top row, the one with the F1, F2 keys, etc. To simplify everything, the standard functions are printed in the “belly” of the keys, so that they are visible, but especially when you press the “fn” key all the keys turn off except those that have a function assigned, a really useful detail. for the most excited moments.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa The Phantom keycaps, here in a live photo, can illuminate the keyboard much more than normal keycaps

    Razer's choice of offering the keyboard only with an English / USA International layout, without the possibility of customizing it, is not so beautiful.

    For us Italians, who are addicted to accented letters, this is no small problem: of course, there are shortcuts that can be learned, but having the keyboard in Italian is another thing.

    For those who play it is absolutely not a problem, because the keys to use are few and with one hand and here they all respond perfectly.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa

    Green or Yellow?

    The model we tested of the Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition keyboard arrived with the (Switch) Green keys, the loudest ones, but there is the possibility of having it with the more discreet Yellow keys.

    Those who do not follow the technology and marketing of mechanical keyboards cannot imagine the universe behind it. While customization is almost absent for classic membrane keyboards, for mechanical keyboards this reaches incredible levels, starting from the type of key, or English switch, that you choose.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Our collaborator, with the keyboard box Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa The set of keycaps and hand rests arrived in the editorial office (only for printing, the sets can be purchased individually) Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa A brief introduction to the characteristics of the keycaps Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Beautiful green soul of Razer, attentive to the details of the packaging, recyclable Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa The contents of the box Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa

    Each key has its own peculiarities, the most curious can read the article that we have prepared on purpose, but it is enough to know that Razer as well as keyboards also produces keys (factor not to be taken for granted): the speed of execution of a key is fundamental in games, so much so that many players choose the keyboard starting from this factor, and Razer in fact claims that its keys are 25% faster than the competition.

    Our impression, using the Green keys, is that this keyboard is not for the faint of heart, nor for those who love to write in silence!

    The Greens have a metallic, noisy, important sound, which in the heart of a massacre in Starcraft or in the heart of Tristram, for Diablo, as in one on one in Quake or for all games where the adrenaline rises the noise of this keyboard. offer what you like and remember with pleasure.

    The Yellow and Orange keys are for those who work more precisely (in the game, not in use), for those who work or play in a room where there are other people, or even simply for those who feel more discreet.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa A detail on the various Razer keys and the difference between the various colors. Some key technologies are also borrowed from mice


    Personalization is not a specific feature of this keyboard, because the accessories are related to several other Razer keyboards, but we talk about it here both because they arrived in the editorial office together, and because they go perfectly with the Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition.

    The customization concerns only the appearance of the keys, through a series of Keycaps (the cover of the keys, not to be confused with the nature of the keys, Green or Yellow we were talking about before) that are purchased as a set.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Not to get confused. On the right the actual key, with the color that identifies its nature (here Green), on the left the keycap (Keycaps), here in the Phantom version, which allows customization

    Here in the editorial office the main set has arrived, with two Phantom sets and four PBTs inside, plus three palm rests (which are not standard on this keyboard) of three different sizes.

    The keycaps are summarily of two types, the Phantom model, standard on the model subject of this review, in black and white. The Phantom keys have the characteristic of being made in two parts, a transparent one, the one below, and an opaque one with a hole in the upper part, where the light passes.

    This type of keys lets in a lot of light, and offers a marked brightness, especially in the lower part of the keys, as if there was a kind of colored liquid that remains in the slots.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa The keycaps apply not only to the Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, but to several other keyboards

    The construction is excellent, they are rough to the touch and appear very solid, with the painting done in double delivery to make it last very long (keep in mind that this type of keyboard was created to withstand the most extreme voltages.

    The change is simple, inside the package (with 128 keys) there is a plastic pliers suitable for extracting the key cover (but it can also be done without) and the new cover enters by pressure.

    It should be noted that in these keys the varnish is in the negative, so it only covers the opaque part, while the actual letter can be seen because there is a light underneath. You need to be very experienced to use the keyboard without the RGB Chroma effect.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa

    The PBT keys are made of a material that, according to Razer, is more resistant than ABS or PVC and above all guarantees the long life of the key even during wear, not becoming smooth in the most stressed part. The downside is that being completely opaque, they offer less brightness.

    These keys also appear slightly porous to the touch but offer extreme pleasure in use, with screen prints that are slightly larger than the Phantom ones but still very well looking.

    Inside the package there are 120 keycaps and also a cable of the same color as the keys, with enrollment system, in addition to the plastic gripper. Each pack contains only one color and they can all be purchased separately at a cost of 39.99 Euros for Phantoms and 59.99 Euros for PBTs.

    We emphasize that these sets are not mandatory, because the keyboard comes with all the KeyCaps (Phantom or PBT depending on the model) but that they offer a decisive advantage from the point of view of usability, because even with only one additional set, it can be changed the color of some keys to make them stand out (such as the WASD keys or the arrow keys to move the character on an FPS or the 1234 keys for the magic of games like Diablo), perhaps highlighting those where to assign a Macro.

    And this both from a gamer and professional point of view, where some keys are really useful even using Photoshop, Illustrator or Adobe Premiere.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa


    We could not leave this review without an opinion on the battery: the triple connection (Cable, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi at 2.4 Ghz) leads to two connections out of three that take advantage of the internal energy storage.

    Razer says the battery lasts up to 200 hours, but this is meant with CromaRGB lights off, because at full power, the battery life decreases to 17 hours. Users must pay close attention to this detail, because the keys all have negative serigraphs, which in the absence of lights is practically impossible to recognize the keys (unless you really know them by heart). The problem eases with the PBT keys, but this means a higher expense.

    If for an average or expert player, with an additional set of Keycaps (therefore having at least two colors on the keyboard to distinguish the keys) the screen printing of the individual keys is not strictly necessary, for those who write it is (especially if not used to the American layout ), hence the serious evaluation of the duration with Chroma RGB, which in a normal context with minimum lights can reach about a week.

    We see the use of this keyboard as a daily routine, where if necessary, if you need to go out for a game with friends, you can safely use the wireless mode without problems, and once back home or office reuse the cable for the recharge for casual use.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa


    The Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition is a splendid keyboard, the cost of which is important but which will make all those who want a mechanical keyboard happy even if they use it on a desk with a little size.

    The quality of the materials is really superfine (especially for the Keycaps) and the noise of the keys, in our case a crisp metallic, is pleasant (in any case you can decide during the purchase phase which model to choose) and from that thickness to the game for worth it.

    The American layout must be assimilated but, as mentioned, it is not a problem for those who have a gaming station (we suggest to this person to opt for at least one additional set of Keycaps): to others we suggest to evaluate the adoption, because the satisfactions do not are missing.

    A keyboard of this kind, mechanical and of great quality, is something you fall in love with and usually leave it only after a few years, for a decidedly superior model, not for a different one.

    Recensione Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition, tastiera purosangue e talentuosa


    • Outstanding look & feel • Extensive customization • Perfect synergy with software • Triple connection


    • Italian layout is missing • Driver only for Windows • Battery life is limited


    • 209.99 Euro (Phantom Edition, Green or Yellow switch) • 189.99 Euro (Normal version, with Green or Yellow switch) • 59.99 Euro additional PBT key set with cable included • 39.99 Euro additional Phantom key set • 24.99 Euro Hand rest (in three sizes)

    Razer Blackwidow V3 Mini Hyperspeed Phantom Edition is available in stores suggested by the Italian website of the parent company or you can find it more comfortably at both with Green and Yellow switches.

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