
Review of Toshiba Transmemory U363 and Transmemory U364 USB sticks

Review of Toshiba Transmemory U363 and Transmemory U364 USB sticks

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Toshiba is known to be a major manufacturer of memory chips and uses this know-how to produce less well-known accessories such as USB sticks. The range is huge because over the years, different models have been released. Over the last few days we have had the opportunity to test two different versions

  • Transmemory U363
  • Transmemory U364
  • These are supports that should be substantially similar from the point of view of internal components, as can be learned from performance and capabilities. In particular, Toshiba declares a maximum reading speed of both at 120 MB / S. The memory sizes are 32, 64 and 128 GB.

    1 of 3 Transmemory U363 Transmemory U363 The two Toshiba sticks compared with Ultra Fit Transmemory U363 Transmemory U363 Transmemory U364 is really very small Transmemory U363 Transmemory U363 Transmemory U363

    Transmemory U363

    Transmemory U363 has the classic shape of a USB 3.0 key, although significantly smaller than what we are used to seeing on the market. Another difference is the materials: it is made of brushed aluminum and apparently very robust. On one side it has a ring that makes it practical also to attach to a keychain or a lace.

    The performances are decent since we start with a product that is not presented as characterized by high speed . On Mac, formatted in Mac OS Exended, as you can see below, it reaches 110 MB / S and writes to 14 MB / S. So you won't be able to use it to support high-definition signed streams, but it's still suitable for storing text files, applications, and documents that you'll need to transfer between computers.

     Transmemory U363 Transmemory U363 test di velocità

    Transmemory U364

    The Transmemory U364 belongs to the micro USB stick. It is smaller (as seen from the photo above) than the San Disk Ultra Fit, an industry reference. The materials are less valuable than those used for the Transmemory U401 (metal and plastic), but the size makes the difference. It can be put into the USB 3.0 port and forgotten there. L and performance are completely identical to that of the older “sister” . So the practical uses can be considered the same.

    Firmware factor

    Toshiba recently released a firmware for these keys. We absolutely recommend that you install it (unless the keys you have already bought have not been updated by the manufacturer). Before doing so, the performance of the sticks themselves was what you see below. Comparing them with those above, there is a substantial difference especially in reading. Unfortunately to do this you need to have a computer with Windows because there is no version for Mac. In any case, even once the firmware has been updated, the performance is slightly lower than that of the Ultra Fit by SanDisk (although you will probably not notice the difference in everyday life)

     Transmemory U363 Transmemory U363 test di velocità The speed of the keys before the application of the firmware

    In conclusion

    Transmemory U363 and Transmemory U364 are two good products entry level range, which stand out from the rest of the competition for the materials (Transmemory U363) and for the dimensions (Transmemory U364). The performance is not exciting, but it is normal for products that do not have the ambition to break away from the rest of the competition placed in the same price range.

    The keys are also for sale on Amazon .

    [amazon_link asins=’B0763TZGZN’ template=’GridMacitynet5′ store=’macitynet0d-21′ marketplace=’IT’ link_id=’05cfcf6e-3d60-11e8-a2b4-15c0138ffb19′]


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