
Review Yeedi Mop Station, the robotic mop that washes and wrings itself

Review Yeedi Mop Station, the robotic mop that washes and wrings itself

HomeHouseGreenSmart You return to the baseWashing the floors of the house, be they ceramic or the most delicate ones in wood, is not one of the most comfortable operations to perform daily and involves using a mop and a rag or a mop and a nice bucket of water to be dosed depending on the type of surface to be kept clean or the level of dirt accumulated.

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo

On these pages we have tried both cleaning robots with mixed system that accompany the vacuum cleaner to a cloth that is moistened with a small reserve of water, and dedicated systems such as the iRobot Braava which are designed for washing only and work in combination. with robot vacuum cleaner with additional tank.

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo

Yeedi Mop station is a further combination of Suction Robot and washing system with a double 3.5 liter tank which, however, this time does not collect the sucked dirt but does takes care of washing the two mop discs (from now on we call them brushes) of the device, taking care to always make them work with clean water.

How does this original system on the market for a few months now work? We tested it in a country house with a “mixed” floor in wood (living room and bedrooms) and ceramic (bathrooms and kitchen) of approximately 170 square meters.

The packaging and activation

In the heavy box (14 Kg) you will find the main container that houses the double tank of clean water that goes to wash the brushes and dirty water resulting from cleaning the brushes with a timing calculated automatically by Yeedi Mop Station. In two separate boxes we find the actual robot and the accessories that will be mounted on its body (the brushes) and in the room to physically delimit the intervention areas (the limiter).

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo

Assembling everything is very simple: just rotate the robot upside down and insert the accessories in their place. At this point you can obviously move on to the first installation after completing the first recharge which is obtained by connecting the base station to the electricity network with the cable supplied on the back. On the right side of the robot we find a slider for switching on and on the side a button that will be used to activate the first connection to the Wi-Fi router or reset the settings.

The robot communicates in English through a pleasant internal voice but the application that we can download directly after reading the QR Code on the top. Speaking of QR code: the activation procedure also includes the reading, this time by the robot, of a QR code generated by the Yeedi app through the camera placed on the top of the robot itself.

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The cleaning station seen from above Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The back with the socket and the cable winding system Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The turret and the two boxes with the floor cleaning robot and accessories Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Brushes and accessories in the first box Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The robot in the second box Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo All contents exploded Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo We open the turret and find the two 3.5 liter tanks Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo We extract the tank reserved for the dirty water Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Here is the compartment that housed it with the arrival holes of the exchange and washing pump Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo here is the tank Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo One more view Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo And here is the open tank Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The back of the robot with the electrical contacts used for charging Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Robot with belly under Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The cleaning part is separate from that dedicated to the movement Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The rubber brush that works for suction Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Easily removable for cleaning and maintenance Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The brushes for washing Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Fully assembled washing and cleaning brushes Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The turret ready to accommodate the robot Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Before activation: we are informed that it is necessary to load the robot and put water in the tank Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Robot and turret Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo A detail showing the sensors Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo On this side the power and reset button Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The robot detaches itself from the tower ta Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Brushes in action Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The wooden floor during cleaning Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo A detail of the freshly washed floor Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo And brushes Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The dirty water after the first cleaning stop of the brushes. Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo The upper part with the QR code of configuration and the camera that reads the one generated by the mobile phone Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Return to base Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Once the map has been produced, the turret must not be moved

The interface for configuration and management

As you can deduce from the sequence of screens below, it is very simple to insert Yeedi Mop Station into the home Wi-Fi network to take control on site and remotely. The menu was translated into Italian without strange definitions and only an intermediate screen remained in English. In each phase, however, the number of operations to be carried out both for maintenance and for small cleaning operations, definition of cleaning areas and areas to avoid is explained very clearly even if briefly.

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo

At work

Once the first recharge has been carried out, the Yeedi Mop Station is ready to start but you must not forget to fill the clean water tank: if you do not do it you will be helped by a red light on the top of the device and by a voice prompt (in English) that reminds you that cleaning cannot take place without liquid. Once the tank has been filled and positioned correctly, the liquid “injection” phase begins, which is quite noisy; once this is finished, the robot is ready to leave for the suction and washing phase.

The 2 rotating brushes positioned on the bottom rotate 180 per minute and are pressed tightly against the floor by a pressure of 10N downwards to wet and then clean the most stubborn stains.

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo

In reality, the roller for collecting the dust and above all the tank for collecting the solid dirt are small and the suction is used to protect the brushes from crumbs, hairs and more and to avoid difficulties in their “washing”. The 2500Pa suction and silicone material of the roller ensures there are no tangles and also prevents the thinnest carpets from rolling up should the mop land on them.

The first cleaning obviously does not allow us to know the distribution of space and the robot seems to wander a bit senseless with a pattern that is difficult to identify but as soon as it manages to cover a few square meters the behavior becomes more linear and its wandering turns into a map that correctly defines the room.

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo

In the test area we also had a carpet with a thickness of about one cm and the device behaved correctly by sliding it up to bring the suction cylinder over the edge but preventing the brushes from wetting the area not allowed. It is however possible, once the map of the room has been drawn, to define a virtual barrier to match the carpet to avoid any contact with this or other areas to be avoided.

As already mentioned, the “turret” part is responsible for washing the brushes when they are so dirty as to prevent proper washing: the brushes are washed wrung out and the dirty water ends up in the dedicated tank.

Thanks to the 5200 Ah battery, full recharging, which lasts about 6 hours, allows a cleaning time of 180 minutes, enough to clean the 170 square meter area we mentioned earlier. However, you must take into account that the Mop will periodically clean the brushes once they are dirty.

Recensione Yeedi Mop Station, il mocio robotizzato che lava e strizza da solo


The system, in the months in which we used it on a weekly basis, behaved very well: the precautions to follow are the usual ones of devices of this type: avoid leaving cables and small objects around, check that the robot has enough space passing under the sofas and in the specific case of Yeedi Mop Station, avoid using it in the dark or in low light to avoid random paths that waste electricity and washing time. Then there is the question of the combination with the suction part: this is mainly a robot for washing and the classic cleaning is just a plus it avoids the passage of the brushes on residues that could ruin the brushes themselves or scratch a wooden floor. .

The washing phase in the passage on the floor is fairly silent while that of cleaning the brushes in the “station” is decidedly noisy, probably due to the management of the pressure for washing the brushes and the passage of water from one tank to another.

The final result on both the ceramic and the wooden floor is good since we removed the dirt not combined with the dust but also that resulting from drinks spilled on the floor that had spread a sticky patina. In addition to this it must be said that the water dosage is not excessive and therefore even wooden floors can be treated without problems.

Who can it help? For those who have a good sized apartment and office to wash with a large surface on one floor. The ideal would be to combine it with a good robot vacuum cleaner that does the most frequent daily cleaning (and maybe not. tturne) to leave the daytime work with water and detergent to the washing of the Mop Station.


  • Effective washing
  • Excellent autonomy (about 3 hours)
  • Good communication with the user
  • Availability of spare parts at a good price
  • Against

  • Suction function limited by small tank
  • Cannot work in dark or low light

    Retail price

    Yeedi Mop Station costs € 649 to the public and is also on sale on Amazon and on the manufacturer's website. These days a coupon of € 100 is available which brings the final price to € 549, commensurate with the quality of the product.

    I am loading other cards … I am loading other cards … I am loading other cards … For the duration of the product and for the cleaning of the parts it is good to use water with low calcium content and add a little detergent like the one we indicate below which helps to keep the floor clean with a single pass and also to lubricate the internal ducts. of the device. It is also advisable to empty the dirty water tank after cleaning or as soon as you have the opportunity to avoid bad smells and prepare the Yeedi Mop Station for subsequent washes.

    I am loading other cards …

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