
SanDisk iXpand Luxe review, more space for Mac and iPhone always available

SanDisk iXpand Luxe review, more space for Mac and iPhone always available

SanDisk iXpand Luxe is a USB-C / Lightning key for Mac and Windows PC, available in various denominations and can be used as easily from a computer as, via the App, directly from iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

A simple solution for space problems in mobile devices rather than computers, an economic alternative to the cloud (with some implicit compromise) but above all an excellent form of exchange between devices as a multi-media solution for walking.

  • 1 SanDisk iXpand Luxe: partial evolution
  • 2 How it works on Mac
  • 3 How it works on iPhone or iPad
  • 4 Compatibility and use
  • 5 Conclusions
  • 5.1 Pros:
  • 5.2 Cons:
  • 5.3 Price:
  • SanDisk iXpand Luxe: partial evolution

    The model we reviewed has a capacity of 128 GB, but this accessory is also available in the 64 GB and 256 GB sizes, which are still smaller and less flexible than the SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive Luxe USB-C, which reaches up to 1 TB of space.

    If two connectors coexisted in the old model, the classic USB-A together with USB-C, thus making the accessory suitable for the Android world (high-end), iPad Pro and Mac or PC, here the choice fell on a connector USB-C (USB 3.1 Gen 1) which accompanies a Lightning connector, therefore suitable for Mac, PC, Android (recent), iPad and all iPhones. Using it with iPad Pro and iPad Air 2020 we will instead take advantage of its USB-C connectivity,

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione SanDisk iXpand Luxe looks like a normal USB stick, only it doesn't have the classic USB-A port, but a USB-C and a lightning

    This model complements more than replaces the previous one, with very different characteristics and shape: while maintaining the design with two connectors and a folding protection, it has a cover to hide the connector and a ring for a hook in the back.

    In the package we find only the key which, once inserted in an iPhone, iPad or Android, calls up a message inviting you to download the App for iOS or Android, which houses the data inside.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione The shape of the SanDisk iXpand Luxe is elongated, and if it's fine with an iPad, you need to be careful with an iPhone: it's fine for normal operations, but it's forbidden to put it in your pocket.

    How it works on Mac

    Connected to a Mac or Windows PC, the key looks like a removable external device, formatted in ExFAT, therefore largely manageable by the two operating systems without any limit; in theory the key should be a bit faster if formatted in APFS, however with the latest versions of macOS we have observed that the difference is really minimal and certainly not rewarded by the fact that you lose compatibility with Windows.

    Inside the key there are some folders that are mostly useless on Mac or PC, but which become fundamental on mobile.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione The inside of the stick, as it appears in the macOS Finder. Obviously we are free to create other ad hoc folders

    However, nothing prevents you from creating others and using SanDisk iXpand Luxe as you see fit for your personal organization.

    The speed detected (via USB-C) is good in reading, but has ample room for improvement in writing and is about half the results of the SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive Luxe USB-C key, which is probably intended for a range of more demanding customers.

    However, here a reproach to SanDisk comes naturally above all because the brand has accustomed us to certain quality standards to which this key meets but only in part.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione The speed is not bad, but we have seen better, always at SanDisk

    How it works on iPhone or iPad

    Thanks to the Lightning connector, we tested this dongle on an iPhone and iPad Air with different types of media, trying to understand its usefulness especially when traveling.

    At the first connection the key, as mentioned, requires the App all operations are carried out using this program. SanDisk iXpand Luxe is also manageable from the iOS / iPadOS File App, but with lower results in terms of usability: much better to follow the proprietary App.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione

    Once opened, the App allows various operations: it displays documents directly from the key, reads multimedia files, copies them files from the device to the key and vice versa. It also allows you to back up photos, contacts and calendars as well as social media data, although the feature was disabled during the test, with a message stating that it would “be back soon”.

    The copy function is an excellent way to move documents to and from a desktop computer such as photos or video footage when on the move and the AirDrop function is not available.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione

    There is also a small App Store inside which calls up a series of iOS Apps compatible with the key and which expand the possibilities, in some cases with interesting functions, but none vital for the purpose of the device.

    Very interesting is the protection that allows the encryption of some files (from Mac or PC as well as from the mobile App), protecting them from unwanted viewing (which can occur in a device created to share content).

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione The key protector turns to offer the right side.

    Compatibility and use

    For the compatibility of the files being read by the App, given that no specifications are given on the site, we think it is the same as for iOS and Android.

    In fact, the App reads Jpeg, PNG and HEIC files very well but no proprietary RAW or DNG files (pity), although there is the possibility to manage them safely in the transfer operations.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione

    As for the movies, thanks to the precious help of HandBrake we could see that it correctly manages MOV and MP4 files in the media player, but not those in MKV, which it sees as unknown files and asks to share (copy) them with another installed App .

    Excellent backup, which can be convenient for those who travel a lot and have precious data on the device (although in this case we prefer more automatic and continuous copy systems, such as the SanDisk iXpand Wireless Charger) which however lacks an automatic function and must be activated manually.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione A video, seen on the iPhone in the media player of the App Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione The controls can be dimmed to view the movie in full screen Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione The lock function can encrypt files we want to keep hidden

    The media player, on the other hand, is excellent, both on the iPad and on the iPhone. It reads movies and music in a normal way, both from the key and from files copied into the device memory.

    The only perplexity is given by the shape of the key, which is long and which could, especially with an iPhone, make the whole fragile in non-optimal conditions of use. With an iPad (perhaps with an ad hoc support) the problem is not there, because the size of an iPad does not suffer from the key problem, while with an iPhone you need to be careful: you certainly cannot put the iPhone in your pocket with SanDisk iXpand Luxe connected.

    Recensione SanDisk iXpand Luxe, più spazio per Mac e device sempre a disposizione


    SanDisk iXpand Luxe is a great travel companion, especially if you have an iPhone or an iPad: it allows you to manage multimedia resources in a very simple way by moving them between devices, without having to use iTunes or activate a pairing that can become inconvenient, especially in terms of privacy.

    The file protection function in this sense is excellent, as is the media player that allows you to view videos and music directly from the key without resorting to external space.

    The speed is for a consumer user, not a pro, and SanDisk will have made its own market choices on this. The key offers a fairly high price, partly justified by the Lightning connector which makes it quite atypical in the market, but still more expensive than the previous model (without lightning).

    If you have an iPhone or an iPad, the solution is still interesting, but if you don't need lightning, the previous model is more suitable.


    • Double Lightning and USB-C connector • Austere but pleasant design • App with several integrated services

    Cons :

    • Speed ​​could be higher • A little expensive


    • 52.99 Euros (64 GB) • 81.99 Euros (128 GB) • 141.99 Euros (256 GB)

    SanDisk iXpand Luxe and all Western Digital and SanDisk products can be found in shopping malls and computer stores across the peninsula. Learn more at the official Western Digital website, where you can also make the purchase, as well as on Amazon. For all news and reviews on SanDisk products visit this macitynet page.

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