
Sculpt Comfort Mouse review, an evergreen classic

Sculpt Comfort Mouse review, an evergreen classic

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Although present on the market for a few years, Sculpt Comfort Mouse still remains today in the Microsoft list (which has not received many updates since then, it must be said ) as one of the best products in the hardware history of the Redmond brand.

With full knowledge of the facts, because even though it was designed for Windows 8 (and for Mac, with limitations in the versions ), to date it works very well with both Windows 10 and macOS High Sierra on which this test was made.

Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse

Sculpt Comfort Mouse: elegance and style

The product presents itself to users as a complete mouse, refined in different technical solutions and undoubtedly practical and comfortable in use even if the classic shape and the minimalist design clash a little with the certainly more multipurpose solutions on the market: however for a whole series of users whose need in use focuses above all on simplicity , Sculpt represents today a sce lta very good.

Out of the box, in cardboard, with a plethora of paper bureaucracy accompanies the batteries, the mouse comes with a glossy black plastic shell at the top, while in the lateral one, profiled for the right hand, a viscous rubber sheath ensures a good grip.

The elongated shape places it as an intermediate mouse and able to accompany both users who show a hand of normal size are those who, like the writer, instead show more generous hand sizes.

Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse

The weight is compared to a desktop mouse, even balancing this with the precision required in the movements: composed of two buttons plus a wheel, clickable and provided with a jerky sliding movement, it shows on the left side an additional blue button with the Windows logo indicated. This button, designed to call up the Windows Start menu on the fly (and the App switch if touched), on Mac works as a Command key, which makes it particularly useful for those who work a lot with the mouse and less with the keyboard, both in the Finder and in other professional Apps, where for example the Command key can be associated with a specific function with the pointer.

Note that currently there are few mice that show this possibility , that is to trace the Command key in a dedicated key, and they are all limited to the Gaming sector (with prices of a completely different range).

On the other hand, the lack of drivers ad hoc does not allow a more painstaking customization, which would have been useful, but not essential considering the price range and the target audience.

The mouse uses the Bluetooth connection for the connection to the Mac, useful for saving one of the very useful USB ports: the connection procedure is managed correctly entity from the control panel of the same name on macOS: during our tests we verified a remarkable compatibility in different versions of the operating system, noting that for example the mouse turns off and on again in case of inactivity and that it is still possible, with a little 'of mastery, use it profitably by jumping from a Mac to a Windows PC and vice versa.

The product's precision in motion reproduction is undoubtedly also aided by Microsoft, at launch a Microsoft finesse, but even now a high-level tracking system that delivers good results on almost any non-overly reflective surface.

Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse


The product offers a good resolution, a wide comfort and a use suitable for those who make an office use, not graphic driven, or those who jump between platforms. More than anything else, it offered us an excellent feeling to the right hand, thanks to the perfectly designed profile and the grip of the rubber and the weight that, once we get used to it, increases its precision.

Designed to fight with a certainly higher market range, to date Sculpt Comfort Mouse represents an excellent purchase considering the quality / price ratio, despite the years, which beyond the drivers have not undermined neither the quality nor the comfort.

Readers can find the product in many shopping malls of the peninsula, or as a Prime product within

[usrlist Design:4.0 Facilità-d’uso:3.5 Prestazioni:3.5 Qualità/Prezzo:4.5]


  • Accurate and comfortable
  • Consumer park
  • Great product for those who use both systems
  • Cons:

  • There is no possibility to customize some functions
  • Price: 39.99 Euro


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