
So you can create your own Wordle and put your friends to the test (although the NY Times is not going to buy it from you)

So you can create your own Wordle and put your friends to the test (although the NY Times is not going to buy it from you)

Wordle is a true phenomenon. After the success of its original version, which the New York Times announced its purchase this week for just over a million, half the planet is playing, putting their vocabulary knowledge to the test. Already there are clones of all languages ​​and of all kinds, even mathematical. And with their popularity increasing every day, more will come out.

What we show you today is precisely one of those clones but something more special. mywordle is the new version of Wordle derived from the original that allows you to create your own game, choosing the word you want and share it with the world. Although it is not as interesting as the original, which has a pool of words and chooses one at random every day, it is ideal for testing your friends.

How could it be otherwise, mywordle is completely free and works in several languages, including Spanish. Also, an interesting point is that we can choose the length we want for the words, so we are less limited than in the original version, something that can even make the challenge more difficult.

How to create your own Wordle

Creating a personalized Wordle in mywordle is very simple: you just have to enter the service's website, choose the language in which you want the game to be activated, and choose a word. The chosen word does not have to be in the dictionary, so it gives more freedom when customizing Wordle if we are doing it especially for someone:

Once the language and the word have been chosen, a unique URL will be generated, which will be the one we have to share. And don't worry, the link doesn't include the word, so it won't give any clues as to which term has been included in Wordle.

As we say, it is totally free, you can check the statistics for each specific Wordle and share it as many times as you want, since once the link is generated, it never expires, so you can create a few and share it every day with a different word like the original.

Create your own Wordle

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