
Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart: a toothbrush and a trainer, two in one

Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart: a toothbrush and a trainer, two in one

There are things that we learn as children, and that we rarely question again. The way we tie our laces, the order in which we put our clothes on when we dress, or, for many, how we brush our teeth. With the latter, we have bad news to give you: there are many possibilities that you are doing it wrong . Or at least not as well as you should. The oral hygiene sector knows this and for a few years now has been working on options to help improve at home. Without the scolding of the dentist. The Philips Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart falls into precisely this range.

Thus, in summary, it is an intelligent toothbrush that seeks to be our personal oral hygiene trainer, to re-teach us to take care of our mouth in an optimal way. And he does it through a superior device –the one of a lifetime, come on–, and through a mobile application.

It may seem strange to you to also have an app to keep track of your tooth brushing. However, it is the best way to have a step-by-step guide to the registration of each brushing with the Philips Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart.

First things first: the brush

If we talk about the Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart brush itself, the difference compared to traditional electric toothbrushes is immediately noticeable. Its sonic vibrations make it more gentle on the teeth and gums, but at the same time much more effective when cleaning them. Of course, the external appearance is not far from previous models , because the reality is that there is not much else to do with the design of these devices.

The design of the Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart is very sober and elegant, available in both white and black, with two buttons and various indicator lights. The on / off button does exactly that, while the second button has two different functions . While the brush is at rest we can use it to choose which dental hygiene program we want (Cleaning, Whitening, Gum Care or Deep Cleaning +), and if we press it during brushing, then the intensity varies between three levels.

The heads of the Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart also have friction, pressure and coverage sensors . With this, the brush tells us if we are moving the head too much, if we are pressing it with great force, and if we have covered the entire corresponding area.

This last point is where I found it a bit more difficult for the brush to recognize the movements and register them correctly in the application, so it is a good time to talk about it.

Yes, the Philips Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart has an App

The Philips Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart app connects your mobile with your toothbrush via Bluetooth. This seems to me a point in favor, since a WiFi connection is not necessary to be able to connect both devices. And if you don't have the phone nearby when brushing, nothing happens. The device saves the information of the brushing session to send it to the mobile the next time it is connected.

The Philips Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart has a main screen with suggestions and recommendations both general and personalized, according to the data collected from each session. That is, if at first you feel somewhat lost with the correct use of the toothbrush, the application itself will help you get out of the way.

It also records on a calendar how many times we have brushed per day, the time we spend on it, and if the pressure and friction were good . If we meet the objectives, it is marked with a green point, and if not, with an orange one.

The dark points that the brush App does not take into account However, there is something that the Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart app does not take into account, and that is the 24 hour interval with which it considers “one day”. Morning is never a problem, but if I went to bed late that day and brushed my teeth after midnight, it counts as the next day. Therefore, consider that we only brushed our teeth once less than necessary that day. It is not a problem either, you will know that it is not. But for app lens maniacs it can be a handicap.

Get the Sonicare 9300 Smart on sale

Likewise, if I accidentally turn the toothbrush on and turn it off again after a few seconds, it counts as an unsatisfactory brushing session. Another point against the most obsessive users. Considering that a large part of the attraction of using the Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart app is having statistics that motivate us to meet our goals every day, this is a nuisance that, although does not affect the reality of the oral hygiene , makes the use of the application not such a fluid experience.

Learn about your teeth But more important than that is what it does to help us with our oral health: if we have it open while we brush, it marks the time that we must dedicate to each area. And although in advance we may believe that this is a truism that comes naturally to all of us, the truth is that after a week following the instructions to the letter, my mouth generally feels much cleaner and my gums healthier. In addition, something that I really liked is that in the application we can indicate areas of our own mouth where we have problems , such as areas prone to bleeding, with more plaque, or where there may be cavities.

The Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart's location sensor keeps track of coverage so you can see exactly where you brushed and where you haven't. For the front of the teeth it works perfect, but for the back part I have still found it difficult to recognize that I am brushing it, and it is difficult to understand if it is the sensor that does not recognize it, or I do not recognize it I'm doing good . You could never think that using a toothbrush could have so much science and technique behind it.

A brush with accessories

The Philips Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart comes with a common vertical charger, and with an innovative charger cup that is not only practical but also elegant. Finally, a brush manufacturer takes into account the fact that, most likely, the brush will have to be in a visible place. Unless it's as attractive as possible.

It also brings three heads that deal with different problems: whitening, gums and deep cleaning. And also a special travel case with a slot for two heads.

Should I buy the Philips Sonicare 9300 DiamondClean Smart?

Without the accompanying application, this Philips smart toothbrush would already be an excellent device for our oral hygiene thanks to its sonic technology.

By adding the “smart” component to the mobile app, we take the process of brushing your teeth one step further by turning you into a true personal trainer. Nor is it necessary to replace our previous model with these more sophisticated versions, but in case you need to purchase a new one this is your best option . It may be a somewhat higher initial outlay – the price for head replacement parts, of course, is similar to that of the rest of the models – but in the long term it will be more profitable. Or at least you will learn how to brush your teeth better.

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