
Spotify would like Plus and Premium Mini from € 2.99 per month

Spotify would like Plus and Premium Mini from € 2.99 per month

This is not the first time we have talked about Spotify experimenting or teasing its users with ad-hoc and usually cheaper plans. An example is Spotify Plus at $ 0.99 that some users have been able to test to listen to music with advertising but being able to choose the single song to listen to.

Today we tell you about new plans that Spotify may want to test in the coming months, all cheap and one of the same name just mentioned.

The plans we are talking about are not yet active and may never even become active. They have been proposed in the form of a survey to some users within the Spotify application.

The plans we are talking about are Spotify Plus In limited offline mode and Spotify Premimum Mini . This is how they would be conceived.

Spotify Plus In limited offline mode

  • Music with advertising
  • Search and listen to the songs you want
  • Download 30 songs on 5 devices. Change downloaded songs whenever you want
  • Monthly payment, also with prepaid option
  • 2.99 € / month

Spotify Premium Mini

  • Available on one mobile device only
  • Music without advertising
  • Create and listen to the songs you want
  • Download 30 songs to a mobile device. Change downloaded songs whenever you want
  • Weekly payment only

For this “mobile only” package we do not have confirmation of the hypothesized price which could be € 3.99 / month (ie let's imagine € 0.99 / week).

What do you think of these possibilities? Would you be interested in such plans? If so, which one?

To test the ground even further, Spotify also asked users who received the survey if they were using an apk or “other tricks available to get some or all of the Premium features for free”, guaranteeing the anonymity to anyone wishing to answer this question.

For sure the use of modified apks is a plague that Spotify has to face and offer very cheap plans, especially for the youngest could be a winning move.

Thanks to Corrado for the report.

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