
Starcraft II Covert Ops Pack III Review: Justice is an opinion

Starcraft II Covert Ops Pack III Review: Justice is an opinion

Home Hi-Tech Games and Consoles ,,,,,With the end of the past year Blizzard released the latest Starcraft II: Covert Ops Mission Pack, a series of nine missions centered around the ghost Nova, a Terran at the center of an intricate intrigue of politics and power.

The saga, which in length and importance can be compared to a Starcraft II campaign, had two other packages released during the year, of which we have spoken here for the first and here for the second.

The only substantial difference between the saga and a Starcraft campaign is that Secret Ops is not mandatory, and does not bring any new army or improvements to the patrols present.

It is basically a single Add-on, playable only in single-player, which can be purchased in bulk or even in single packs of three missions (there are nine in all), only online (through the site or from within the game. ).


Covert Ops Pack III: Spoiler-Free Review

Difficult for us today to talk about Secret Ops Pack III without making the slightest spoiler, both because the plot continues from the previous episodes (which we do not want to take for granted) and also because the judgment itself should start from what we have seen inside. adventure.

However, we can tell you that this is a good chapter, in line with the previous ones for the quality of the plot, twists and architecture of the maps. Anyone who is a Starcraft fan, or even a Sunday player specializing in the single player campaign, will find something to enjoy.

We are missing the cinematic footage in pure Blizzard style (at least one, we expected): inside there are, but all made with the game engine, not bad for a normal game, but when Blizzard is in the way normal is never enough.

As for the plot, we appreciated the depth given to the characters: many are inherited from Starcraft II (which we talked about here in relation to the last chapter) while others are brand new. The same Nova, the protagonist, was seen briefly during the first Starcraft, and also during the first chapter of Starcraft II Wings of Liberty but we had never witnessed such a careful study.


In this chapter, however, Nova, aware of the identity hidden behind the Secret Operations, must extricate herself between the orders to be carried out and her sense of justice, choosing the future path for herself and for all the crew of her spaceship. In the background are some possible new Protoss textures, which we would very much like to see developed next year in a new series of Packs like this one.

The future that, chat in hand, could reserve other surprises, such as the re-release of the first Starcraft finally in a glorious HD, or who knows, maybe even the possibility, as it is now for the cousin Diablo, to play Starcraft II in a vintage mode. 256 colors.

For the moment we are satisfied with a series of tasty surprises suitable for those who love to collect and customize their experience in the game, such as new game items, new voiceovers, new emoticons, new skills for the troops and much more, all available for purchase. from within the game individually or in its entirety.


The future is uncertain

Starcraft fans, like the writer, at the moment have nothing to complain about: the new missions are designed to be played and replayed in different modes, also considering the high customization of Nova and troops (for the moment not in multiplayer) , as far as future Starcraft projects are concerned, we are not told much, but the strong response from fans to the title will not fail to spark new ideas in the minds of Blizzard designers.

We remind you that to play Nova Covert Ops you need a PC or a Mac and the Starcraft II Legacy of the Void game.

For those wishing to learn more about Stacraft II, like other Mac games, we recommend The Mac according to me, written by Matteo Discardi, author of this review, available on Amazon in Kindle format for 5.99 euros, and can be read directly by everyone Kindle readers or from iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows and Mac via the free Amazon Reader App.


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