
Starcraft Remaster for Mac review, the perfect strategy is back

Starcraft Remaster for Mac review, the perfect strategy is back

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Starcraft Remaster is the revised and (partially) corrected re-edition of the title that, in March 1998 (a year later for the Mac platform) literally routed the entire videogame world by creating not only a genre (strategic in real time) but one of the most famous space-themed literary universes that still enjoys a very high fascination today.

The Starcraft saga, which we have seen growing in its complex, mysterious and fascinating following (here the review of the last chapter Legacy of the Void), but it began in that 1998 with the stories of Raynor, the space sheriff who becomes the leader of the rebellion, by Sara Kerrigan, the Terran soldier who becomes the very incarnation of the Zerg and Tassadar, who sacrifices himself to kill the Overmind, the leader of the Zerg before the Queen of Blades.

Starcraft Remaster Beautiful remastered 4K graphics, however, based on the original models (with eight-s yes)

In memory of that saga, and of all the online matches between users played in the following twenty years, Starcraft Remaster is basically a gift from Blizzard to fans, old and new, able to bring back on everyone's computers a title never forgotten.

A gift yes, because even if the game can be purchased directly from within the Blizzard Desktop App for about 15 Euros, it is also true that those who want it can download and play, even on Mac, in a legal and free way, as long as you are satisfied with the original graphics and audio, a not insignificant step, because now the game is ready for 4K graphics, even if as we will see the game dynamics have remained the same.

Starcraft Remaster You can play 4: 3 (like the original) as well as 16: 9

Starcraft Remaster, at 4K is much better

The game, which is installed inside the Blizzard Launcher alongside Diablo, Word of Warcraft and the other titles , does not require Starcraft II with which not to aloga in any way.

Once launched you are in the introductory screen where there is the choice between the single player campaign (highly recommended) and the part

Starcraft Remaster The intermission videos are based on the old 3D models, remastered in high resolution

The title is fully localized in Italian (and in 12 others languages) with a remastered and regenerated audio, which also takes into account the famous “verve” of the nineties, complete with terms that are not entirely for boarders, during the dialogues (but it is possible to put a filter). The exchanges are found during the game and in some passing scenes, where the story unfolds, while in the CGI movies between a battle and another the dialogue is in English with subtitles.

Precisely the videos, which had so impressed and which gave Blizzard a unique fame in the sector, have remained unchanged in the 3D models, even if remastered at a higher resolution.

Otherwise, the models of game, from the units to the constructions up to the interface skins have been redesigned at high resolution, while maintaining (a fundamental factor), the movement to only eight axes.

Starcraft Remaster

For the rest, everything from history to mechanics, from missions to the potential of LAN or online clashes have remained the same (even if some changes on the online part have been introduced, without altering them the sense).

The work done is impressive, and the pleasure you feel, especially for those who have spent nights in obtained on the original iMacs of the time, to find the same situations and the same pleasure in finishing every battle, it is unique.

A job done in a very particular perspective because it is not a reboot or of a re-edition, but of a game only remastered in graphics and audio, not in technique: those who have played Starcraft II will immediately notice the innumerable differences, with a much, much more lean gameplay and with reduced aids to the bone.

The AI ​​is quite “stupid” (if compared to the current one) and for example it is not possible to assign a standard task to a unit when it leaves production, just as it is not possible to give commands in sequence. The groups are limited to 12 units (very few), and also the production curves are much more articulated and complex.

Starcraft Remaster

Ditto for the signage on the ground, which is non-existent, and the management of obstacles, which is practically static (and not dynamic as in the following).

All this effort is precious, because takes us back in time: playing and winning Starcraft is difficult, harder than it is for the second chapter. The learning curve is steeper and the aids practically non-existent: in online even more, because at the time there was no real attention to the beginner, and everyone challenged everyone, so it was very common to confront those who would have us. swept away in a couple of minutes and it is much more difficult to find someone to do a medium-long battle with.

Interesting instead the classic use of the meeting on LAN, to be done at home or in the office during the lunch break, which greatly simplifies the practices of a simple game in company, not recommended in the new version, which starts from a very different and more global point of view.

Starcraft Remaster

The story so far

Anyone who has played Starcraft II already knows the facts, but does not the reasons, which play a fundamental role here. Younger people can see the title (and especially its Broodwar extension, included) as a sort of prequel, and even if the game technique is very meager and the graphics, even in 4K, do not hold up to the quality of Starcraft II, the The plot remains very fascinating.

Starcraft Remaster is basically a war between races, who like it or not are within the same space sector and who struggle to survive between fears and necessities: but it is also a tangle of intrigues, love affairs, (many) betrayals, revenge and change of sides, unexpected alliances and power plays.

The story is drier than it is on Starcraft II with an intangible enemy which will be, covertly, nominated only to the best who will be able to play on the hidden level, and which then becomes clear in the following.

Many heroes die and some are even reborn, some transform and others change faction more and repeatedly, and one in particular, the One mind (not a true playable hero but a thick reality in the story) will prove far more important than it seems.

Starcraft Remaster

Is it worth it?

Starcraft remaster is, for the writer, like a good aged wine that shows a very structured, enjoyable flavor, rich in nuances but not for all. It needs a fine palate to be fully enjoyed, as on the other hand Blizzard tradition is clear.

What the careless user seems to lack (especially in the gameplay) are actually fundamental parts of a unique experience, which has remained unchanged over the last twenty years but which captures today, with a little more will, than at the time.

A title that is definitely worth the price: a pearl for those who played it at the time and will still feel young today, a curious, important experience for users who have only approached the genre with the new chapter.

For everyone else, like for example for those looking for a simple and cheap title, maybe not, Starcraft remaster is an experience that needs the right background to be understood and accepted, it is not a title for casual.

Starcraft Remaster the online circuit is the real challenge, much more difficult than it seems: arm yourself with a lot of patience and even more with good will

On Mac the title runs very well, compatibility is the same as Starcraft II: tested on a 2013 retina MacBook Pro, the game performed very well even without a discreet video card, and even if the title is also usable at 16: 9 we liked it more in the original 4: 3, also because of a boring mouse embarrassment in the wide format.

Starcraft Remaster can be purchased starting from the official page inside the 'Blizzard Desktop App: We suggest equipping your Mac with an appropriate mouse and keyboard to significantly improve game quality (we played it with a Razer mouse and Aukey keyboard).

Pro :

  • Perfect remastering of a never forgotten classic
  • Graphics in 4K (but movements unaltered)
  • Significantly improved sound
  • Against :

  • A title to be played with awareness of what it represents
  • At 16: 9 showed some slight embarrassment in mouse movements
  • Price: 15.00 Euro


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