
Streaming TV with Plex and NVIDIA SHIELD: the review

Streaming TV with Plex and NVIDIA SHIELD: the review

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We have already talked about Plex and NVIDIA SHIELD here at Macitynet, but from this summer there are some juicy news for both: Plex (which we have talked about here and here) an interesting TV streaming function (thanks to third-party accessories) making the whole process on the one hand completely automated and on the other much more intuitive than any other solution.

Not being able to miss the ability to test everything, we have fielded the three protagonists: Plex, in fact, mounted on an NVIDIA SHIELD, an accessory that unlike other players such as Apple TV, for example, has the ability to run both the client and the Plex server , thus resulting independent.

Finally, we used Hauppauge's Win TV-DualHD TV, an accessory that allows the capture of video stations arriving from the TV antenna by transporting them on the USB connection (with USB connector- A).

Everything resulted ato quite simple, although initially a little patience is needed in the preparation of the parts, but in the end we can say that we have tried what could be the TV of the future, free from what is the physical form of the TV and projected everywhere on the network , at home or away.


Let's start with the result

Before to account for the ingredients, let's start with the result, because undoubtedly many readers will be wondering what we are talking about: what we tell in these pages is a video streaming of the most popular television channels accessible through the antenna, carried out by a device (in the our case NVIDIA SHIELD) to all devices connected to the network, be they Mac, Windows PC, iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone, console, TV (smart or not) and basically anything with a modern browser.

All inside and outside the home, using a 3G / 4G or Wi-Fi connection and with the possibility, in addition and that to see the channels, even to record them to be able to use them at a later time.

An incredible freedom if you think about it, which allowed us to see an episode of the TV series “The Closer” in metro, live from the mobile, with the possibility of recording it to be able to see it again at home later.

Currently this possibility exists also outside of Plex, but it is limited by the support given by the App (such as those of RAI) and limited to some channels, while with this solution we unlock all the channels reachable by the antenna (and tracked by WinTV) with full freedom, on all devices (therefore also Mac and PC).

Inside the TV Tunder we found a 3 month Plex Pass code The inside of the package The remote control of the WinTV-dualHD, completely useless (everything is done by Plex)

The ingredients

The solution starts with the use of NVID IA SHIELD, a set-top-box for TV with Android TV, where we set up the Plex server. This means that NVIDIA SHIELD can organize its internal space (16GB in our case, but it is expandable via USB disks) or even NAS connected in the same network (for our tests we used this) to manage movies, photos and music, but also host recorded tracks.

To unlock all the features of Plex you need to activate a subscription to Plex Pass (at a cost of 4.99 Euros per month): some of the features of Plex also work with the version free, but for registration you need the Pass version.

We take for granted an internet connection of ADSL or higher, and the connection of NVIDIA SHIELD via Ethernet, recommended: for simple media playback NVIDIA SHIELD also performed well with a 5 Ghz Wi-Fi network, but for recording the technical notes speak of a wired connection.

NVIDIA SHIELD Live TV Here is NVIDIA SHIELD prepared for Live TV


First c dare we connected the NVIDIA SHIELD to the TV and performed the product initialization procedures: for these you need to follow the instructions of the TV and have a Google account (or you can create one, for free). If you have an Android smartphone or tablet the procedure is shortened.

Once you have performed the basic installation, and updated the system to the latest version available (it is important, many functions have only been added recently as an important update on mobile rendering) we have activated the Plex server, always following the instructions on the screen.

NVIDIA SHIELD Live TV automatic channel configuration, from Plex

For the server, once the basic installation has been performed on the SHIELD, it is possible to move to a computer and, from any browser, go through all the features and define them more correctly (completely optional).

Ultimately, we connected the WinTV-dualHD to the antenna on one side and the USB port of the SHIELD on the other and started the channel definition procedure, always via the web from our iMac, which noticed by itself the presence of the TV Tuner and first proposed us rcare the channels and then organize them through the program list.

Curiously, WinTV-dualHD offers software only for Windows, but in the procedure this has not at all prevented the correct functioning since it is completely controlled by the Plex server.

NVIDIA SHIELD Live TV Live TV yes, but the advertising is the same

VCR 2.0

It took a few minutes in which WinTV-dualHD scanned all the frequencies to find the available channels and a second in which it organized the contained in the Program Guide, substantially a better version of the EPG (Electronic Program Guide) function present in practically all TVs.

Scans and organized everything, from the browser we started the exploration current or upcoming programs, organized by theme: we underline that the procedure described above is the same as the one we have done, without skipping any step, so clear enough for everyone.

The guide follows what is the setting of Plex, therefore organized by theme or by shows, and at the beginning it could be a bit confusing who approaches the first time , thinking of finding a guide organized by channels.

This guide (which we have not found) is not possible directly, unless you open a content and then, with a click on the browser (but only from within a content) you can see all the other contemporary contents, divided by TV channel (we hope for greater flexibility in the future)

Once you have chosen a program, the tab showing the main features, such as the serial and episode number (if available), the duration and status of the broadcast, a plot of the film or series, the play button and the record button.

this is a beautiful thing, the simplicity with which everything happens, and on this we must applaud Plex for having organized everything in m I hear so immediate.

The performance was good, although obviously a lot depends on the state of the network: in our tests on the live broadcast there was some pause (fractions of a second), but without this miss moments of the story, since during playback it is possible to go back a few seconds and review a part of it (without having to activate the recording).

The recorded documents, in MKV format, are freely extractable from SHIELD via ftp using the proprietary server or third-party App. The file thus recorded can be converted using one of the utilities for Mac (such as this one for example) in MP4 format and be played on other devices, even unlinked from Plex.


The (possible) future of TV

What we have proposed in these pages it is not only a solution to watch TV broadcasts from a device other than a TV, but also a much more complex solution that allows you to manage, anywhere and virtually with any device, all broadcasts, live or not. The preparation requires a SHIELD TV, a certified TV Tuner and a subscription to Plex Pass (we found a three-month promotional code inside the WinTV-dualHD package), as well as half an hour to prepare everything and a couple of hours between the inevitable initial experiments and case checks.

Let's be clear: the system configuration seems difficult reading this article, but it does not differ much from what is practicable on of a new TV, and in any case just follow the instructions on the screen to do everything in total autonomy.

It is useless not to think how this could be one of the possible futures of TV, finally disconnected from broadcast times by the physical presence of an antenna, since in this case, thanks to an internet connection, Plex allows you to externalize the vision even outside the home network, wherever you are.


Formula 1, World Championship , Sanremo, the World Cup (in 2018), TV series, documentaries, films, reality shows and for those who also want teleshopping: with this solution you can see all this live, from the office as well as from the metro, in bus, school (but you shouldn't) or queue at the dentist.

And if you don't have time, you can conveniently record your favorite show and watch it later (or record a show and watch it another at the same time, but for this you need WinTV-dualHD and no other devices), and the TV becomes a bit like Netflix, with the due proportions.

NVIDIA SHIELD is available through the site nvidia official at a price of 229.00 Euros in full version or 199.00 Euros with only the remote control, but readers can order it, as a Prime product, also on

They are available even accessories, such as the stand for vertical positioning and additional remote controls and gamepads (or replacements, you never know ).

WinTV-dualHD is available at the official store at 69.00 Euro or slightly discounted on


  • Easy and straightforward solution
  • Management can take place both locally and remotely
  • Recordings can be scheduled
  • Cons:

  • It is not possible to browse by TV channel directly
  • Price: 229.99 Euro (SHIELD in normal 16GB version) or 199.00 Euro (16GB version with remote control only) or 329 , 99 Euros (500 GB Pro version), 69.00 Euros for WinTV-dualHD and 4.99 Euros per month for Plex Pass.


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