
Telegram is updated: unlimited audience for live streaming, flexible forwarding and much more!

Telegram is updated: unlimited audience for live streaming, flexible forwarding and much more!

Telegram version 8.0 is available since yesterday, which brings with it some interesting functions: let’s go and discover them together!

The first news we talk about concerns live streaming and video chats: both now support an unlimited number of viewers, who will be able to raise their hand and join our broadcasts, if authorized.

Then we have flexible forwarding, which allows you to customize a message before forwarding it to our friends: it is now possible to hide the original sender’s name, hide captions and change recipient in case of error.

Also noteworthy is the feature that allows you to switch from one channel to another simply by swiping upwards once you reach the end, without having to go back to the chat list. In the case of chat lists organized by folders, moreover, “the app will follow the structure you have set: the channels in the current folder, then within each folder, finally those left in All chats and in the Archive”.

We conclude this roundup of news with new animated emojis and with the addition of the stickers in the foreground, which will appear above the list of those sent recently.

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