
The 10 best extractors, according to Amazon reviews

The 10 best extractors, according to Amazon reviews

The extractors mentioned in this article are no longer the most purchased extractors on Amazon. We updated the list in this other article, dated February 4, 2020.

With the approach of summer and heat, the desire for a smoothie or a fresh juice comes more often than usual: you could therefore have evaluated the purchase of a machine to make centrifuges or an extractor, a similar contraption that however works with another technology. In practice, it squeezes fruit and vegetables by obtaining the juice, rather than shredding them. Untangling among the many models of extractors is not easy, so we have read and summarized for you the reviews of the most purchased extractors on Amazon, considering only those with at least four stars out of the maximum of five and with more than one hundred reviews. A list of ten proposals came out.

An important premise

Extracts are said to be healthier than centrifuges: in reality there are no substantial differences between centrifuges and extracts as regards the content of vitamins, magnesium and carotenoids, as a study by Altroconsumo found, which also verified that there are no differences in temperature between the juice that comes out of an extractor and that that comes out of a centrifuge. From a nutritional point of view, there is nothing better than eating fruits and vegetables as they are (even with the peel when possible).

Another thing to know is that according to recent studies, juices are by no means a healthy alternative to consuming solid fruit and vegetables: this is because they are made almost only of sugar and water while they do not contain fiber, which helps the body. to digest; they are also liquid and do not cause a sense of satiety, so if you want to do a weight loss diet they are not the most suitable thing. Vegetable-only juices are a little better, because they contain less sugar than fruit juices, and smoothies, which are less filtered, have some fiber.

Valid reasons to buy an extractor

However, you may want to buy an extractor not for health reasons but simply because you want to drink juice: for those who consume them often and want them of good quality, buying a tool to make them at home can be a big saving, provided of course you use it. Compared to centrifuge machines, extractors are more expensive, on average, and take longer to make a juice, but they are also quieter and more efficient, i.e. they get a little more juice from the same amount of fruit and vegetables; they are also the best to use for vegetables. If you like bananas a lot, the best choice is instead the blender because both the juicers and the extractors have difficulty with very mushy fruit.

Finally, it should be remembered that all models of centrifuges and extractors on the market must always be cleaned after use and it takes some time: estimates of how long it takes vary, but cleaning is not immediate.

The best-selling extractors on Amazon

The Philips HR1883 / 31 has 4.3 stars and has been reviewed 256 times. You can find it at 156 euros. It can produce up to 1.5 liters of juice at one time and stands a little under 40 centimeters tall. All removable parts can be washed in the dishwasher; at no more than 60 ° C, the instruction manual recommends.

According to one reviewer, the only flaw is that “the loading mouth is a bit small and this forces you to portion the fruit and vegetables”. Another notes that «he 'digested' everything, from ginger to celery, to carrots, without problems» but «soft fruits, such as kiwifruit, which tend to clog the waste drain 'annoy' him». Judgments on cleaning times vary: one reviewer says it takes about 10 minutes, another “challenges anyone to take less than 10/15”, a third wrote that “if you clean immediately it really takes up to 5 minutes”. The only really negative review says: “The waste does not come out easily, so very often the engine stalls.”

Among the best-selling extractors on Amazon there is also the Philips HR1882 / 31 , which is practically the same as the previous model, but does not have the function to make sherbet. It has been reviewed by 488 people, for 4.5 stars, and from the list price it costs less than the HR1883 / 31, but at the moment on Amazon you can find it for more. Elsewhere you can find it for less: on ePrice it is on sale for 200 euros.

Another Philips juicer model that is among the best sellers on Amazon is the HR1947 / 30 Micro Juicer : 234 people have reviewed it, it has 4.3 stars and is currently at 254 euros. Compared to other Philips models, it has a larger opening for inserting fruit and vegetables and works with a slightly different technology, the so-called “MicroMasticating”: fruit and vegetables are cut into very small pieces by the machine, which then it squeezes them in two stages, in a way that should be reminiscent of chewing. Due to this technology, it retains more fiber in the juices. Visually it looks a bit like a Nespresso coffee machine and according to the manufacturer it should also be much easier to clean than all the other extractors: a jet of water would be enough and before moving on to cleaning a phase can be activated ” Automatic PreClean “, which empties the extractor.

On the issue of cleaning the reviews are actually enthusiastic – «max 2 min to clean all the pieces» – while there are many negative comments on the quantity of juice obtained from the fruit compared to other extractors and also on the quality: many people say that the juices that you get are too pulpy, but perhaps it is a matter of personal taste. Another criticism of some reviews is that the opening for inserting the fruit is not larger than those of other models.

Very similar to this extractor is the Philips HR1894 / 80 , which on Amazon has 4.3 stars (obtained with 234 reviews) and is currently at 187 euros. The only difference with the previous model is that it is sold with one less filter (the second filter is used to vary the consistency of the juice).

The Imetec SuccoVivo SJ 1000 has 4.3 stars, with 230 reviews, which costs 186 euros on Amazon. The most reported defect in the reviews are the dimensions of the mouthpiece, but above all because for the description of the product they seemed larger. There are also those who put coconut and almonds in it without damaging it. Among the reviewers there is one who has written a long and detailed series of considerations: we think that there are no curiosities that cannot be satisfied.

In the list of the best-selling extractors on Amazon there are also two of Kewnwood, which cost more or less the same. They have 4.5 stars and have been reviewed 147 times. They don't have two filters like the Philips HR1947 / 30, but they come with a colander to make the juice clearer, to taste. The first is the Kenwood JMP600WH and does not have the accessory for making sherbet, unlike the second, the Kenwood JMP601SI . The reviews also say things that contradict each other very much, but for the most part they are very positive. One thing that we understand from the negative ones is that fruit must be cut, one of all dissuades very well from the idea of ​​using them to make pomegranate juice, even if others say that it can be done without problems. At the moment the two extractors are on Amazon at 130 and 150 euros.

Among the best-selling extractors on Amazon there are also two that cost less than 100 euros and which unlike those listed so far are from lesser-known brands. One is from the Chinese company Aicok and is at 80 euros: it has 296 reviews and 4.4 stars. The other is from the Italian company RGV – specialized mainly in slicers – and costs 97 euros: it is the extractor with the most reviews, 312, and has 4.5 stars, so it is the best for star-price ratio.

As for the first, the negative reviews are mostly about the poor assistance received in case of problems and the fact that the extractor is made of plastic, but there are many other positive ones that say it works. One says: «You look at it and you think it is a“ plasticone ”, and indeed it is. The solution to make it work well is to introduce only thinly sliced ​​fruit and vegetables, so as not to strain the mechanism too much ». Some people advise against using it with fennel and leafy vegetables. The slightly more reliable review seems this one, we hope that who wrote it is not your friend: «I have been using centrifuges and extractors for years and I would not put this product among the best. Really small inlet mouth, a bit slow extraction and, in comparison with other extractors, it doesn't seem to me that it squeezes everything. I believe that what I paid for it, taking advantage of the offer, is the correct price. I plan to give it away as soon as possible and buy another one that meets my expectations more, with top loading “.

67 percent of the 312 reviews of the RGV extractor give it 5 stars, especially taking into account the value for money. Most find it on average easy to assemble and then to clean: “it has a wide mouth, is easy to disassemble, does not dirty thanks to the drip cap and washes quickly”, one reads. Many who give 3 stars write that the product is good but that having tried more expensive and efficient ones they notice the difference: in particular, the residue is a little wet, it means that not all the juice possible has been extracted. One customer, who gave only one star, complains in particular that “with 1 apple comes just over half the juice that would come with a medium quality juicer!”. Another, however, who gave 5 stars, points out that “also tried with pumpkin from which an excellent juice is obtained, useful for broth and, with the waste fibers, excellent omelettes or risottos can be prepared”.

Finally, there is the Panasonic MJ-L500RXE , which with 4.6 stars (and 231 reviews, so many) is the extractor with the highest number of stars on the entire list. At the moment you can find it at 159 euros. There are very few disappointed customers – 2 percent gave 1 star, 1 percent gave 2 – mainly due to defects and fragility of components or malfunctions. Most of the reviews say that it is very easy to disassemble, wash and reassemble – “it cleans in 5 minutes and sets up in 1 minute” – there are those who make ice creams and those who are satisfied because “the amount of juice extracted goes beyond my expectations, with two apples I made almost two cooking glasses of juice ». However, it cannot be used with frozen products and seeds and hard fruit cannot be introduced: for almond milk you will have to try something else. Finally, many point out that it is not bulky and indeed aesthetically it is not bad.

Two extras, recommended by Wirecutter

When it comes to product reviews, the Post relies heavily on those from Wirecutter, a site belonging to the New York Times, which is solely concerned with product testing and details how it does its recommendation lists. According to his article “The Best Juice Machine”, Wirecutter explains that the most technologically advanced companies in this sector are the South Korean companies Tribest, Omega and Hurom and recommends two extractors and a juicer produced by the first two. They are also for sale on the Italian site Amazon, but they cost much more than the extractors we have talked about so far: both the Tribest Slowstar, the favorite extractor of Wirecutter reviewers, and the Omega VSJ843 – which in Italy is sold by Czech company Sana – you can find them for around 500 euros. Wirecutter excludes Hurom's extractors because the warranties of this brand's extractors last less than those of others, and in the United States it is difficult to obtain repairs. However, Hurom is a company appreciated by many juice consumers and cited as the manufacturer of the best juicers in many Amazon reviews: this is its most popular juicer, but it only has thirty reviews.

Disclaimer: on some of the sites linked in the articles of the Consumer section the Post has an affiliation and gets a small share of the revenue, with no price changes – which it could ro vary from day to day from those indicated here, based on offers. But you can also google them.

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