
The 2021 Christmas Lottery can be collected through Bizum

The 2021 Christmas Lottery can be collected through Bizum

The Christmas Lottery will be held, as every year, on December 22. On this occasion, up to 2,408 million euros will be distributed in more than 172 million tickets issued. As a novelty, the administration of State Lotteries and Betting allows some of them to be charged through Bizum , the Spanish service for sending money and instant payments.

Specifically, users who have obtained a ticket awarded with an amount of less than 2,000 euros may request payment through Bizum in the different lottery administrations throughout the territory. To do this, it will be necessary to generate a QR code through the “Bizum” section and show it to the administration. Then, the amount will be paid and the money will appear instantly in the account associated with the code. Remember that these prizes can also be collected in cash and that those less than 2,500 euros are exempt from tax. Therefore, it will not be necessary to declare the amount.

In addition, Bizum also allows you to buy a ticket through any lottery administration. The process is very similar to that used to collect the prize. The difference, yes, is that in this case it is necessary to validate the operation through the app to verify that the amount of the tenth is correct. Tickets are available at authorized dealers from July 8 through December 21.

Which banks accept the collection of the Christmas Lottery through Bizum?

Not all entities that have Bizum add the possibility of paying a tenth or collecting the prize through the service. In fact, of the 30 banks supported by the platform, only 12 include the feature to generate QR codes . They are as follows:

CaixaBank.Bankia (through the Bizum section of the CaixaBank app) .Banco Santander.BBVA.Banco Sabadell.Unicaja Banco.Kutxabank.IberCaja.Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar.Abanca.Bankinter.Cajasur . Some of these banks, such as BBVA or Bankia, added the option in 2020. Others are likely to include the possibility of generating a code through Bizum in the coming weeks.

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