
The Android 10 smartphone operating system has arrived on Pixel phones

The Android 10 smartphone operating system has arrived on Pixel phones

Android 10, the new version of the smartphone operating system, is available from September 3 for Pixel phones, i.e. those directly produced by Google, which also develops Android. It is therefore likely that Google deems Android 10 ready to be put on the market and that it is reasonable to expect that the new operating system will be made available by 2019 for other smartphones as well. As The Verge explains, in the versions made available on Pixel phones some new features are still at beta level, i.e. trial.

Android 10 came after Android 9 Pie and is the first new version of an Android operating system not to be called by a name inspired by that of a dessert. Google explained this decision by saying that for many users, especially those switching to Android from another operating system, it was difficult to understand how updated the version was based on the name of the dessert, and that the numbers should be clearer.

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