
The Bizum trick that allows you to send money even to those who do not use the service

The Bizum trick that allows you to send money even to those who do not use the service

Bizum is undoubtedly one of the fastest ways to send money to friends or family. The platform is integrated into the main banks operating in Spain and can be used for free. All you need is a phone number and that the recipient is also registered with the service so they can receive the money instantly. But, what happens if the person to whom we want to send an amount is not registered? Fortunately, there is a Bizum trick so that you can receive the money.

The steps to perform this Bizum trick are very simple. It is only necessary to access the platform through your bank's application. In most Spanish entities, such as CaixaBank (and Imagin), ING, Bankia, etc. Bizum is integrated into the 'Payments' or 'Transactions' section.

Once inside the service, we must click on the “Send” button. The app will offer two options: send the money to a contact in your address book or manually enter the recipient's phone number. Finally, enter an amount and write a concept. Then, click on the “Continue” button that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Bizum's trick to send money to people who are not registered

On the final screen, a notice will appear warning that the contact is not registered in Bizum, but here is the trick. By clicking on the 'Confirm' button, the recipient will receive an SMS indicating that they have received an amount through Bizum and that, to receive it, they will need to register. The message has a link so that you can activate the service quickly; You just need to enter your phone number and confirm the registration using a code that you will receive on your smartphone. You can also do it from your bank application. Then the money will appear in your account instantly.

This Bizum trick allows you to send from 0.50 cents to 500 euros, just as it happens with registered users. Now, what happens if the recipient does not register with Bizum? The service offers a period of 48 hours for the user to register on the platform. If you don't, the money will be sent back to the sender.

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