
The COVID Certificate is now available in Passbook format: so you can request it

The COVID Certificate is now available in Passbook format: so you can request it

The Ministry of Health has added a new box in the application form for the COVID certificate. Now, those interested can download the so-called vaccination passport in Passbook format . This file can be hosted on the mobile through a compatible app, such as Wallet on iOS or third-party applications in the case of Android.

Until now, the COVID certificate could be included in Wallet through a solution developed by Your Pass. With the new update of the application form on the Health website, it will no longer be necessary to use third-party services and you will be able to receive the passport directly on your mobile, without additional steps.

To obtain the COVID certificate in Wallet format, it will first be necessary to send a request through the issuance website of the Ministry of Health. After a few initial steps, the portal will ask if you prefer to request the COVID certificate through your autonomous community or, by applying at the headquarters . At the moment, it is only possible to receive the Passbook format through the headquarters, so it will be necessary to mark the second option.

Request the COVID certificate in Wallet format and add it to your iPhone or Android

The portal allows access to the application through a digital certificate that must be previously installed on your computer. It is also possible to be accredited through the permanent Cl @ ve system . Once inside, fill out the form with personal data and indicate the vaccination status. In the section “Request for the certificate in Wallet or Passbook format “, it will be necessary to activate the first box, as well as choose the language of the certificate and enter the phone number where you want to receive the passport. Finally, click OK.

Once the COVID certificate is validated (it may take up to a couple of hours), you will receive an SMS with a link that will allow you to download the passport on your mobile. To do this, enter your identity document number and click on “Download Wallet”.

If you have an iPhone, the system will allow you to add the certificate through the iOS Wallet app. On Android, it will be necessary to download a third-party app —such as PassWallet— that allows you to host the certificate, since Google Pay does not support this format.

The COVID certificate , remember, is a useful option to quickly indicate the vaccination status at airports or places where it is required. Carrying it on your mobile is not mandatory, but it does facilitate the process and avoid having the document in physical format.

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