
The European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom have accused China of being behind the great hacker attack on Microsoft Exchange

The European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom have accused China of being behind the great hacker attack on Microsoft Exchange

On Monday, the European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom accused China of being behind the major hacking attack on Microsoft Exchange, a software that companies and organizations around the world use to manage emails and calendars. The attack began in January and was discovered in early March, and even then Microsoft had accused the Chinese government of coordinating the hacker group that had carried out it.

On Monday these same accusations were also made by representatives of several Western states. This was stated in a statement by the High Representative for European Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, who called the attack an attempt by China to “theft of intellectual property and espionage”. Also on Monday Anne Neuberger, a US official in the Biden administration who deals with cybersecurity, directly accused China of being responsible for the attack during a press conference, and British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab said that attacks of this type they are “systematic” by Chinese hackers, accusing the Chinese government of having done nothing to stop them.

– Read also: The gigantic hacker attack on Microsoft Exchange, explained

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