
The next novelty of Twitter will allow you to 'get out' of the conversations that do not interest you

The next novelty of Twitter will allow you to 'get out' of the conversations that do not interest you

Twitter is constantly testing new features. The social network focuses on including features that provide options to avoid disputes and make Twitter a friendlier place. Now, Jack Dorsey's company is developing a function that will offer to unmention posts that are annoying or irrelevant to the user.

Dominic Camozzi, a Twitter employee, has shared all the options offered by this new feature on his profile. Specifically, the option will allow you to cancel the mention in those tweets that are not of your interest . In this way, the username will disappear from the tweet and the previously mentioned person will not receive notifications of the interactions of other Internet users.

Additionally, Twitter will also activate a function to unmention in the tweets of those people who do not follow an account . The social network will send a special notification so that the user can choose between deactivating or keeping the mention. If you select to remove the mention, the person who posted the original tweet will not be able to re-enter our account.

In addition, it will be possible to restrict mentions for a certain period of time. In this way, users will be able to avoid notifications of mentions for one day, three days or up to seven days.

Finally, Twitter will be able to detect if we are receiving a large number of notifications for a publication and will send a warning to be able to review the tweets and change the settings to avoid annoying alerts.

A new feature to make Twitter a quieter place

At the moment, this feature is under development . There is no set release date. It is likely that Twitter will begin to implement the functions in a limited number of users, and then activate it to everyone.

It is a complementary option to the function to mute tweets , which prevents the user from receiving notifications of those publications that have a large number of interactions. Remember that Twitter sends a notification every time someone retweets, clicks the “Like” button or comments.

It is not the first time that the social network presents a feature to avoid massive responses. Just a few months ago, the company activated a function that allows you to choose who can reply to a tweet: all users, people who follow an account or people who are mentioned in the publication.

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