
The PS5 will make it easy to share screenshots and video clips from your smartphone

The PS5 will make it easy to share screenshots and video clips from your smartphone

One of the most loved – and used – features of PlayStation consoles are screenshots and video clips . In fact, since its implementation on the PS4 it has become a marketing weapon for Sony itself. However, in the specific case of the PS5, sharing screenshots beyond social media can be a tedious process. Hopefully this will be resolved very soon.

Sony announced that the official PlayStation application will allow you to share the screenshots and video clips that you take on the PS5. In this way, for example, it will be possible to store the material on your smartphone or share it through messaging services. Let's be honest, more than once we wanted to send a screenshot through WhatsApp, but the limitations of the “Create” function did not facilitate it.

Even at this time, if you are interested in having a screenshot of your PS5 on your mobile, you must first share it on Twitter or transfer it to your computer through a USB drive. Sony's idea is for the PlayStation App to put an end to these barriers and make easier the process for all users.

When will it be available? Although the company has not mentioned a specific date, they indicate that a beta phase has just started in Canada and Japan for selected iOS users. Once they make sure everything is working properly, they will start the global rollout.

The proposal works as follows. When you take a screenshot or video clip, the PS5 will upload it to the cloud automatically and it will be available for 14 days. In that period of time you can view it in the PlayStation App, where you can do whatever want with her. One of the options is to download it directly to your smartphone.

It is worth mentioning that there will be some limits in relation to videos. They will not be able to upload to the cloud if they last more than 3 minutes or if they have 4K resolution.

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