
The trick of WhatsApp to find out with what name they have saved you

The trick of WhatsApp to find out with what name they have saved you

WhatsApp has a curious trick by means of which it allows you to find out with what name they have saved you on the phone of the people you have in your chats. It is one of the dozens of things that can be done with the app.

We cannot forget that WhatsApp is one of the most used apps in the world and without a doubt the most used instant messaging platform in Spain and Latin America. Therefore, it is absolutely normal that people want to get the most out of it, knowing each and every one of the available tricks.

This WhatsApp trick works on both iPhone and Android devices, it is not necessary to download an additional app and it is not any type of hack, nor is it It is about a vulnerability in the most popular operating systems of our mobile phones.

Photo by Conscious Design

The trick of WhatsApp to know with what name they have saved you in the contacts

The WhatsApp trick is simple and you just have to follow the following steps. The first thing is to open the app on your mobile device and enter the conversation of the person you would like to find out. Here comes a bit of social engineering: you should ask your contact to share your own phone number .

Of course, you must do it from the option of share that is in the WhatsApp application itself. This is achieved by entering the profile and clicking the three-dot menu in the upper right corner. When it does, you will receive the contact card, with your own number but also with the name with which they have saved you.

In addition to the name or number, there are other important information that is saved in these contact cards. Including the profile photo – if there is one stored – and any other data that the person chooses to share with you.

Although it is true that the trick is not automatic, and that it requires interaction on the part of the person, once you have asked to share your own phone number, you will be able to find out how they saved you and get out of curiosity . Especially considering that it is common for people to use nicknames or short names , such as “dad”, “mom” or some nice pseudonym for the couple.

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