
They pay 650,000 dollars for the NFT of a yacht that only exists in the metaverse

They pay 650,000 dollars for the NFT of a yacht that only exists in the metaverse

Someone has managed to buy a luxury yacht for 149 ethereums, about $ 650,000. A priori, a considerably low price for a boat of these characteristics. Above all, if we consider that luxury yachts usually cost millions of dollars. The problem? The one acquired by the anonymous user is not a real ship, but an NFT from Republic Realm, a company focused on the metaverse.

The luxury yacht, called “The Metaflower Super Mega Yacht”, could be defined as a complement to The Sandbox, one of the most popular games in the metaverse. The vessel, which appears to be an object that never finishes rendering (in the style of the game), is four stories tall and fully equipped, including helipads at the bow and stern or a Jacuzzi on the main level. But what is surprising is not the boat itself, but how someone has been able to pay that amount for a yacht in which they will never be able to sail in person .

The NFT, considered the most expensive of The Sandbox so far, is part of a pack of tokens for the video game, which include luxury villas, private islands, jet skis, etc. Some of these assets, according to HypeBeast, will be released soon. Therefore, it would not be strange to see that, for example, an exclusive island exceeds the amount bid for the aforementioned yacht.

The NFTs fever continues to rise

Until now, the NFTs that have been sold for similar amounts have been those that have a kind of “value” on the internet: extremely viral memes, historical posts – like the first tweet from the already old CEO Twitter – or other types of digital assets. But how did a simple virtual yacht lacking a detailed look manage to achieve this value?

Taking into account that the virtual object entered the auction and that it was the user who applied this cost, we suppose that the purchase has been influenced, in a certain way, by the madness of the NFTs . Also, of course, because the surfer can afford to pay $ 650,000 on a virtual boat. In many cases, the purchase of NFTs serves as a way of supporting the creator – in this case, the developer of the video game. Of course, not all 'non-fungible tokens' can have such a high cost, and the 'metaverse' also does not have to be a place for the wealthiest, as The Sandbox proposes with this luxurious extension for your video game.

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