
This BAE Systems drone can attack with a torpedo and is ready for 'anti-submarine warfare'

This BAE Systems drone can attack with a torpedo and is ready for 'anti-submarine warfare'

In some parts of the world, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are already actively used for delivery tasks. Now, a British company has unveiled a drone that not only promises to carry heavy loads, but also to execute torpedo attacks .

It is a project of BAE Systems , in association with Malloy Aeronautics , which was presented at the international defense exhibition DSEI 2021 . The drone, called T-650, is fully electric and with a single battery charge it is capable of flying up to 30 km with a payload of 300 kg .

The drone can also reach a maximum speed of 140 km / h . This combination of features makes it a versatile tool for different types of scenarios. BAE Systems ensures that it is prepared for “anti-submarine warfare” thanks to the transport of a Sting Ray torpedo .

Precisely, this drone could throw into the sea the self-propelled projectile that when submerged it would only have to move until it reached its objective. The company points out that the T-650 can also be used for logistics activity and the potential transport of weapons and sensors to support military operations on land and at sea.

A drone that would do more than carry torpedoes

But this is not all. Drones T-650 could be used to evacuate victims on the battlefield. Other uses have also been considered, such as humanitarian and civil logistics support, although the BAE Systems indicates that its objective is the military, but with a more environmentally friendly approach.

“Being carbon-free, these drones could help revolutionize military operations where there is a requirement to carry heavy loads, helping to keep military personnel out of harm's way in dangerous situations while reducing the environmental impact of our operations. armed forces. “

BAE Systems At the moment, the BAE Systems and Malloy Aeronautics drone is in the prototype phase and has not yet started to be manufactured for military forces. In the hope that this will happen, both companies are working together to explore opportunities to put the new concept vehicle into real operations.

BAE Systems also has other ambitious projects, such as a drone that could fly at 60,000 feet. For context, commercial airliners fly at about 35,000 feet. It is the PHASA-35 , a solar-electric vehicle that could operate for up to a year without the need to recharge . So much so that it seeks to offer “a more affordable and persistent alternative to satellite and aircraft capabilities”.

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