
TikTok seduces content creators with new monetization options

TikTok seduces content creators with new monetization options

TikTok has decided to expand its monetization options, in order not to lose traction among its content creators. The popular video platform announced the launch of Creator Next , a portal where tools are grouped to obtain financial rewards, whether new or existing.

When it comes to the money-making features that make their debut on TikTok, we should focus on two. On the one hand there is Tips , whose purpose is for users to send tips to content creators. These payments are made through Stripe, and the social network ensures that does not keep any percentage of the money sent by the public . However, it is likely that the beneficiaries will face a small fee for the processing of the transactions.

Once the tip button is enabled, followers see different options. You can choose default amounts ($ 5, $ 10, or $ 15) or specify a custom amount. It is worth clarifying that TikTok imposes some limitations ; For example, each donation must not exceed $ 100, and the same person cannot spend more than $ 500 per day.

The other monetization option coming to TikTok is Video Gifts . Basically, it is a retrofit of an existing feature – LIVE Gifts – that was previously only available to live-streamers. The new tool maintains the premise that content creators receive virtual gifts and are rewarded with “diamonds” that can later be exchanged for real money , but from now on in any of their publications.

The requirements to access the new TikTok monetization tools

As with other social networks that also allow content creators to earn money, TikTok has implemented certain parameters that must be met. To gain access to Tips and Video Gifts , users must be 18 years or older, and a minimum of 100,000 followers . And to this we must add at least a thousand video reproductions in the last 30 days, and having made at least three publications during that period.

In principle, the new TikTok monetization options will be available to users based in a limited number of countries. Specifically, we are talking about the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Spain ; and Australia and Canada will join in the months to come.

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