
TikTok, the latest social network to get on the train of stories

TikTok, the latest social network to get on the train of stories

If something is missing from TikTok, it is its own stories. But don't worry, we will see them very soon. The popular video app is testing a feature similar to what already exists on basically all social networks today. Its name is simply TikTok Stories .

The novelty was known through a publication made by Matt Navarra on Twitter. In it you can see a video that shows the main characteristics of the Tiktok stories. As you can imagine, its operation is practically identical to that seen on other platforms.

As expanded by The Verge, a TikTok spokesperson confirmed via email the existence of the stories and the tests that are being carried out for their possible implementation. Logically, the social network has not yet confirmed the launch of this new function; However, the clip shared by Navarra appears to be a promotional post that came out early.

The TikTok stories would not have anything too innovative

TikTok would bet on its own version of the stories to provide another tool for interaction between users. Rather than considering it an innovative feature, the app seems to have given in to the prevailing trend that all online platforms should present such an option. Also, taking into account that many TikTok functions have been blatantly copied by other social networks, it could be considered as a small “revenge”.

As we mentioned at the beginning, the operation of the TikTok stories would be the same as in other services. Users will be able to create them from the sidebar of the application, adding text, music and subtitles. Once published, they will be available for 24 hours and you will be able to access a list of the people who saw and interacted with them. The significant data is that the TikTok Stories may only be videos , taking into account the nature of the application.

If this feature finally reaches users, TikTok will join a long list of apps that offer their own alternative stories, or have tried to do so. Let us remember that, in addition to the popular cases such as Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, other platforms that have conspicuously incorporated this resource are LinkedIn and Xbox.

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