
Torpedo Plus review, the versatile Avantree mini sound bar

Torpedo Plus review, the versatile Avantree mini sound bar

Home Hi-Tech Audio / Video / TV / Streaming ,,,,, Cyber Layman tests Torpedo Plus, Avantree's mini sound bar, which offers three different music modes, two different connection types and numerous uses. Really versatile, here's how you can make the most of it at home.

How it's made

Torpedo Plus does not, first of all, have the classic appearance of a bluetooth speaker. Rather it appears to be a mini sound bar. The shape is therefore elongated horizontally, with a truly elegant, minimal and clean design. It is a few centimeters high and this allows it to easily find space on any desk, under a TV or, why not, next to any notebook. On the front, apart from a few removable stickers, which indicate the site of the support and the three different playback modes, there are no other elements, while the control panel is moved to the side.

Recensione Torpedo Plus, la mini soud bar Avantree versatile e convincente

There are three buttons: one that allows you to select the playback mode, and the other two that allow you to increase or decrease the volume. On the back, however, in addition to the AUX input and the MicroUSB charging connector, also the on / off button, to turn it on and off. On the lower part, however, two rubber pads that allow, in addition to lifting it a few millimeters from the ground, also to keep it firmly on a desk, even in super low mode. The small rise from the ground allows the mini sound bar to be perfectly housed under an iMac, just “straddling” the pedestal under the monitor.

Recensione Torpedo Plus, la mini soud bar Avantree versatile e convincente

How it sounds

In addition to the aesthetic point of view (the eye also wants its part), a loudspeaker is judged above all by how it sounds. Torpedo Plus, we anticipate right away, is absolutely convincing, certainly not up to the level of more massive and professional soundbars. For the price range in which it is located it is, however, a good buy. As already mentioned, there are three different playback modes.

Recensione Torpedo Plus, la mini soud bar Avantree versatile e convincente

A first 3D surround call, which as the name suggests recreates a three-dimensional effect. A second, Super Bass, allows the sound bar to show the bass more clearly, and finally a third, the Balance Audio, which offers a balanced sound.

Recensione Torpedo Plus, la mini soud bar Avantree versatile e convincente

Let's start by saying that all three modes work and return the facets for which they are born. The 3D surround mode is probably the most lacking. Not because it feels bad, but because it fails to deliver an immersive audio sensation at the highest levels. However, a cinema-style effect is perceived, but the result is not striking, but still appreciable.

Recensione Torpedo Plus, la mini soud bar Avantree versatile e convincente

Super Bass, on the other hand, actually shows the bass notes of the speaker, making them perceive more incisively. They are well present, although of course not as powerful as in other class speakers. The mode that will probably be the most used at home is the third, the balanced one. This, in fact, allows you to enjoy a truly balanced, clean audio, with a fairly clear audio. It must be said, however, that depending on the uses one or the other method is perceived as more appropriate.

Recensione Torpedo Plus, la mini soud bar Avantree versatile e convincente

It will not be uncommon, then, to switch from one mode to the other. Also because Torpedo Plus has numerous uses.

First of all, it offers bluetooth and wired connectivity with 3.5mm jack. This allows you to use it for listening to music from PC, Mac, notebook or even from smartphones and tablets. The wired configuration, on the other hand, helps to place it under a TV, to improve the sound side.

The 10W of power is sufficient to cover a medium-sized living room, also in consideration of the high volume of the peripheral.

Recensione Torpedo Plus, la mini soud bar Avantree versatile e convincente

Depending on the projection you will prefer to choose between 3D surround or balanced audio, but on the TV you will hardly prefer the bass mode, to be used mainly for listening to music. In any case, the voice is ringing and crystal clear on the TV, as is the audio during simple music playback. You will have to play with the “Mode” button to change from one to the other, to find the ideal mode for the one you are listening to.


Aesthetically valid, it offers good sound quality, considering the price, and is really versatile: between bluetooth and AUX connection, between balanced mode, 3D and Super Bass, you will not struggle to place it at home, to support portable devices, but also to place it under a small TV in the living room or bedroom.

On Amazon it costs 59.99 euros and can be purchased directly at this address.


  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Sounds good for the price
  • three playback modes
  • AUX and Bluetooth supported

  • on / off manual
  • ,,

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