
Traveling the world from webcam to webcam

Traveling the world from webcam to webcam

There is nothing like traveling to a heavenly place and enjoying it in the first person. But it is not always possible to travel to other corners of the planet. Your personal finances, your work schedule or a global pandemic are inconvenient for traveling . But technology gives us a little relief. And it is that almost everyone has a webcam today , and there are those who share it so that we can all enjoy their daily views.

If for any reason you do not have the opportunity to go on a vacation trip, you can console yourself by taking a look at the public cameras that abound on the internet. There are them for all tastes, in different locations and spread over cities and countries of tourist interest.

One of those visual experiences of virtual travel is WindowSwap , a virtual window with which to see the world from your television, computer or smartphone. An audiovisual experience to enjoy the world around us without having to travel to those corners.

The webcam, the eye that sees everything

As I said, the webcam has become a very common device today. Not just for video calls anymore. It has also been imposed as security tool for those who want to monitor their home, inside and out. Its version has even become popular in the form of connected peephole to see who is knocking at your door even when you are not at home.

But the possibilities of a webcam go a long way. For example, be a window to the place where you live . It may be the most normal thing in the world for you. You see it every day. But for those who live on the other side of the world, you may be interested in looking through your webcam. This is the idea behind WindowSwap .

You just have to click on the main button where it says “Open a new window somewhere in the world”. This will open a new tab or window in your browser that will take you to a currently connected webcam. A street in Shanghai, a snowy garden in Finland, skyscrapers in South Korea, a house overlooking the sea in Seattle … By pressing the button you will travel the world through webcam devices placed in private homes or in public places.

To spice up the experience, you can enlarge the image to full screen and / or activate the sound , since by default the video is shown mute. Tired of that window? Change to another. Travel the world at the click of a mouse and without problems such as queues or crowded streets.

A collection of views in real time

Thanks to WindowSwap you can connect with corners of the world where you have been physically or where you have not been able to travel yet. Know if it is day or night or what the weather is …

The webcams are shown randomly but you can save the ones you like the most by clicking on the Bookmark button. You will have to register in order to have a user with which to save your favorite views. You can even share them with the Share button so that everyone can see what you are seeing on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter or by sharing the original link.

Free, without advertising and with a good selection of locations with webcam, WindowSwap is a good example of how much technology can be done to bring us closer to places unattainable or simply share our day to day in an original way.

Music and dream views

As an addition to the main project, those responsible for this particular trip around the world have created a music video in which 50 webcams from 20 different countries are shown accompanied by a soundtrack. As stated on the page itself, the music was composed in Bern (Switzerland), performed in Geneva (Switzerland) and conducted in Mumbai (India).

From this link you can access a selection of views of backyards, gardens or interiors with exterior views that go around the world accompanied by an ideal soundtrack to relax and disconnect on a busy day .

You will find more information about WindowSwap on its official blog and on its Instagram channel. And if you like the project you can support it with a donation .

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