
Trying to buy a graphics card from Nvidia is insane and this video is the best proof

There has been talk for a long time about the global hardware shortage, a situation caused by a host of factors. The pandemic has played a key role in this story, but it was not the only reason. Demand widely exceeded supply , as well as the ability of manufacturers to sustain the availability of their products. Nvidia is an example.

The stock of some components has been severely affected by very specific situations. For example, the cryptocurrency boom has hit hard on sales of hard drives, SSDs, and graphics cards. The units available are few and sold at exorbitant prices, but people are willing to do anything so as not to be left empty-handed.

A clear example of this can be seen in the video that we share in this link. It is a live broadcast made by PrestonALewis on Twitch, where the desperation of a group of people is seen in a store in Dallas, United States. The reason for the madness? The stock of Nvidia graphics cards was renewed and there were not enough for all customers .

Madness to get an Nvidia graphics

The video lasts about 50 minutes, but the disaster occurs in the first 5 . Many people are seen outside the store, waiting for the door to open to get an Nvidia graphics card. Anxiety is clearly noticeable among everyone, despite warnings from the store's security manager.

The instructions were simple: don't run and don't push. Otherwise, people would be pulled out of line and unable to purchase the hardware in question. The notice mattered little, especially when it was reported that only one Nvidia GPU could be purchased per customer, and that there were not enough for everyone .

The following was an insane act, especially in times of a pandemic. The desperate running and the crowding of people are totally unnecessary images. Even more so when the world calls for distance and hygiene to combat COVID-19. No matter how advanced vaccination is in the United States, or the gradual return to normality: it is an irresponsible act .

But, clearly, the irresponsibility is shared, because the store could easily have put together an operation to line up and prevent a crowd from crowding its doors for an Nvidia graphics card. What the images make clear is that there is another serious pandemic in the world and is the lack of common sense .

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