
Twitch now detects if a blocked user has created another account

Twitch now detects if a blocked user has created another account

Twitch is adding a new feature powered by Machine Learning that will allow to detect users who try to bypass the platform's bans to share hateful content. The new feature, which is called 'Suspicious User Detection', applies above all to broadcast chats.

The company highlights that this feature is intended for those users who have been expelled from the community, but who re-access with another account to continue sending abusive messages through chat. The service can detect the behavior and characteristics of the account, and will compare them with those that have been previously blocked . Twitch will then categorize the user as a “likely” or “possible” evader of the platform's bans.

If Twitch considers that it is a “possible” user who has violated the policy of the platform, the messages that this person sends through the chat will be visible. However, the creator or moderators will be able to see a badge and choose if they want to delete the message . They can also monitor the user in order to avoid future problems.

On the other hand, if the account is marked as “probable” to evade the prohibitions, the messages will not be sent to the chat . The creator and the so-called mods, of course, will be able to see the content to choose whether to block it from the channel. On the other hand, they can monitor your user or simply prevent Twitch from showing the messages you send to the chat. The feature will be available by default on all channels, although administrators can disable it or add additional settings.

Twitch warns: the tool is not 100% accurate

The company warns in a statement that “ there is the possibility of false positives and false negatives “. “No machine learning will be 100% accurate,” they say. However, creators can also restrict messaging or channel access manually. For example, when checking that a user is sharing hateful content through chat. These actions will help Twitch detect suspicious users more accurately.

Beyond the new suspicious user detection measure, Twitch is adding the ability to view content with friends remotely through SharePlay. This feature, in particular, allows content sharing during a video call with FaceTime on iOS 15.

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