
Twitter begins to test reactions with emojis, going beyond the “like”

Twitter begins to test reactions with emojis, going beyond the “like”

For some time now, it seems that Facebook's reactions have permeated the public. So much so that many of the platforms are integrating them as an alternative or complement to the classic likes. If recently it was WhatsApp that was testing this function in chats, now it is another of the giants of social networks, Twitter, which also wants to integrate them.

The company has started testing a new reaction formula for tweets that go beyond Retweets, tweet mentions and likes. It is, as Engadget points out, a limited test, for the moment, to Turkey. In particular, it seems to be integrated as a complement to likes , offering four alternative reactions beyond the like, always using emojis.

Emojis on Twitter as a complement to the 'like'

Twiter / Engadget And like on Facebook and other platforms, Twitter reactions are limited to emojis by default, without the user being able to edit them. In the current testing phase, Reactions includes the four most used emojis : 😂, 🤔, 👏 and 😢. That is, those that specifically describe, based on your Unicode description, “tears of joy”, “thinking face”, “clapping hands”, and “crying face”.

It is not very clear if these will be the definitive ones if this function reaches all users. And it is not the first time that Twitter has tried this function, and in the process it already opted for different ones such as the emoji “100”, widely used in social networks, and “face with heart eyes”, also very popular among users .

In addition, the four current emojis are added to the heart of the likes, which in this test would become one of them and would not disappear from the social network .

Be that as it may, a new functionality that seems to be coming soon and that will be the first big change in interactions within the social network. The first at least since the company changed the star to the heart and the favorites to “like”.

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