
Twitter buys Threader, the app to compile threads

Twitter buys Threader, the app to compile threads

Twitter has announced the purchase of Threader, an app known for offering compilations of threads published on the social network. The acquisition will bring a better experience within the platform directed by Jack Dorsey, while Threader as such will disappear on December 15.

Threader came at a time when Twitter threads were becoming very popular and the social network still did not offer tools that allow a clear and distraction-free reading. The platform, therefore, was in charge of collecting those publications shared in different tweets and offered the user a much more intuitive preview , as well as facilities to share stories among Internet users. Now, Twitter has very useful solutions for creating and reading threads. However, the app founded in 2017 has features that can be useful on Twitter.

The company has confirmed that the “premium” features of the Threader app will remain in Twitter Blue , its subscription model that offers different benefits in exchange for a monthly fee and that, for the moment , is available in the United States and New Zealand. Subscribers will therefore be able to access the following features.

Reader : compiles the tweets and converts them into a more comfortable reading format. Bookmarks Folder : allows you to sort, save and bookmark Twitter threads.

Threader joins Twitter through a boot

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash On the other hand, conventional users can make use of Threader through a bot that will facilitate the compilation of threads to read them comfortably . To do this, it will only be necessary to mention the Threader account (@threader) and ask him to compile the publications (with the word “compile” would suffice). The bot will automatically reply with a link and offer a preview of the thread as an article. Tweets are transformed into paragraphs that can be clicked to access the original post. The images and links are also adapted to the Threader format.

Meanwhile, users with a premium subscription to the Threader app will be able to continue using the platform until December 15 , when it will be closed permanently to be part of Twitter. Those customers who have purchased an annual plan will receive a partial refund. IOS users will be able to request a refund through the Apple website.

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